Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


17.5 Output format

 Version        :aa...a bb...bBES
 UAP Name       :cc...c
 Authorization  :dd...d
 Section No     :ee...e
 UAP Source     :ff...f
 Optimize Time  :gggg-gg-gg gg:gg:gg.gggggg
 Optimize Mode  :hh...h
 SQL Opt Level  :iiiiiiiiii(ii...i) = jj...j(kk...k),...
 Add Opt Level  :llllllllll(ll...l) = mm...m(nn...n),...
 Routine Name
 SQL            :oo...o
 Work Table     :pp...p
 Total Cost     :qq...q
 Trigger Name   :tt...t
                     Procedure Name :uu...u
                     Action Time    :vv...v(ww...w)
                     Action Type    :xx...xx
 ----- QUERY EXPRESSION BODY ID : ... -----  ...................1
 ----- QUERY ID : ... ----- ....................................2
 JOIN  .........................................................3
 SCAN  .........................................................4

  1. Information about set operation; for details, see 17.5.1 Set operation information.
  2. Information about query processing; for details see 17.5.2 Query processing information.
  3. Information about join processing; for details, see 17.5.3 Join processing information.
  4. Information about base table retrieval processing; for details, see 17.5.4 Base table retrieval processing information.
Information following Section No is displayed as many times as there are SQL statements.
Displays the HiRDB version. For a HiRDB update version, the version number is followed by a symbol.
Displays the number of back-end servers for a HiRDB parallel server configuration. This information is not displayed for a HiRDB single server configuration.
Displays the UAP name specified in the PDCLTAPNAME client environment variable.
Displays the authorization identifier.
Displays the section number (used to check the SQL statement correspondence).
Displays the name of the UAP source file.
If the name is longer than 30 bytes, only the first 30 bytes are effective.
If the SQL was executed by the interactive SQL execution utility (pdsql), pdsql-process-ID, pdsql.exel-process-ID, or pdsqlwl-process-ID is used as the UAP source file name.
gggg-gg-gg gg:gg:gg.gggggg
Displays the date and time SQL optimization processing took place, in the format year-month-date hour:minute:second.microsecond.
Displays the SQL optimization mode. For details about the SQL optimization mode, see the HiRDB Version 9 UAP Development Guide.
    The utility applies the cost-based optimization mode 1.
    The utility applies the cost-based optimization mode 2.
iiiiiiiiii(ii...i) = jj...j(kk...k),...
Displays the value of the SQL optimization option during SQL compilation.
  • iiiiiiiiii(ii...i)
    Displays the value of the SQL option in hexadecimal and in decimal (the latter in parentheses).
  • jj...j(kk...k),...
    Displays the identifier of the function name specified in the SQL optimization option (unsigned integer). If more than one function name is specified, the utility separates each function by a comma.
llllllllll(ll...l) = mm...m(nn...n),...
Displays the value of the extended SQL optimization option during SQL compilation.
  • llllllllll(ll...l)
    Displays the value of the extended SQL optimization option in hexadecimal and in decimal (the latter in parentheses).
  • mm...m(nn...n),...
    Displays the identifier of the function name specified in the extended SQL optimization option (unsigned integer). If more than one function name is specified, the utility separates each function by a comma.
Displays the compiled SQL statement.
Displays the number of times a work table is created for the execution of the SQL statement. If no work table is to be created, the utility displays a value of 0.
If a sort operation does not take place, the utility creates only one work table. If a sort operation takes place, the utility creates two work tables.
Because the work table creation timing is not always the same, the execution of the SQL statement may require a smaller work table file than the estimated value. For details about how to estimate the work table file, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.
Displays the total query cost obtained by HiRDB using cost-based optimization. This line is displayed only when the SQL optimization mode is cost-based optimization mode 2.
For an SQL statement in a routine, the utility displays the routine name in the format authorization-identifier.routine-identifier. If the SQL statement is not in a routine, this information is not displayed.
Displays the name of the trigger to be executed by HiRDB. If there is no trigger to be executed, tt...t through xx...x are not displayed.
If there is more than one trigger to be executed, this information consists of multiple rows, in which case information is displayed in the order of execution.
Displays the name of the trigger operation procedure.
Displays the trigger operation timing:
BEFORE: Trigger to be executed before table manipulation
AFTER: Trigger to be executed after table manipulation
For a trigger created when a referencing table is defined, this is the type of referential constraint action:
    The referential constraint action is CASCADE.
Displays the type of trigger operation units:
    Trigger by row
    Trigger by statement
The following is an example of the output results from execution of a trigger by row with BEFORE (TRIGGER1) as the trigger operation timing, a trigger by statement with AFTER (TRIGGER2) as the trigger operation timing, and a trigger created when the referential constraint action was CASCADE (URA2004050521222324):
Trigger Name   : TRIGGER1
                     Procedure Name : (TRIG2003030405060708)
                     Action Time    : BEFORE
                     Action Type    : FOR EACH ROW
                     Procedure Name : (TRIG2004050521222324)
                     Action Time    : AFTER(CASCADE)
                     Action Type    : FOR EACH ROW
                     Procedure Name : (TRIG2003091011121314)
                     Action Time    : AFTER
                     Action Type    : FOR EACH STATEMENT
Organization of this section
17.5.1 Set operation information
17.5.2 Query processing information
17.5.3 Join processing information
17.5.4 Base table retrieval processing information
17.5.5 Types of join methods
17.5.6 Types of retrieval methods
17.5.7 Types of transfer methods
17.5.8 Types of access paths
17.5.9 Types of grouping processing methods
17.5.10 Types of plug-in-provided functions
17.5.11 Search conditions
17.5.12 Key conditions
17.5.13 Types of ORDER BY processing methods