Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


2.77 pdls [-d ust] (Display unit activity status)

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Format
(3) Option
(4) Notes
(5) Output format

(1) Function

The pdls -d ust command displays the local unit's activity status.

This command displays the activity status for the unit where the command is executed.

(2) Format

 pdls -d ust [-C [-H]] [-a]

(3) Option

(a) -C

Specifies that the unit status is to be output in DAT format.

(b) -H

Specifies that a title line is to be output (applicable when the -C option is specified).

(c) -a

Specifies that the unit start status is to be displayed.

(4) Notes

  1. The following are the pdls -d ust command's return codes (return code 1 has been added in HiRDB version 09-50 and later):
    Unit is active (the front-end server can be connected if it is located at the unit where the command is executed).
    Termination with an error (The command terminated with an error because HiRDB's activity status could not be identified. Take appropriate action according to the message that was output when the command error occurred.)
    Unit is starting (the front-end server is located at the unit where the command is executed, but the front-end server cannot be connected), or unit is stopping.
    Restart of the process server process was cancelled.
    Unit is stopped (pdsetup -d command can be executed).
    OS registration has been deleted.
  2. You should take one of the following actions when the unit status is PAUSE, or when the front-end server status is SUSPEND and does not change to ONLINE, or when the setup status is UNSETUP:
    • If the unit status is PAUSE, an error has occurred. See the KFPS00715-I message and the previous message output to the syslogfile, eliminate the cause of the error, and then execute the pdrpause command.
    • If the front-end server status is SUSPEND and does not change to ONLINE, an error may have occurred. See the message output to the syslogfile, eliminate the cause of the error, and then use the pdstart -a command to release the front-end server from SUSPEND status.
    • If the setup status is UNSETUP, HiRDB has not been registered in the OS. Before starting HiRDB, execute the pdsetup command and register HiRDB in the OS.

(5) Output format

(a) When the -C option is omitted
 HOSTNAME  : aa...a(bbccdd)
 SYSTEMID  : eeee
 UNITID    : ffff
 ENTRYHOST : gg...g
 PAIRHOST  : hh...h
 iiiiiiii  jjjjjjjj  kkkkkkk
 START-OPT : llllllll


Host name of the primary system (up to 32 characters)

Time the pdls command was executed (hour minute second)

HiRDB identifier (4 characters)

Unit identifier (4 characters)

Host name of the unit where the pdls command was executed (up to 32 characters)

Host name of the remote system (up to 32 characters) when the standby system switchover facility without IP address inheritance or the standby-less system switchover (1:1) facility is used.
Otherwise, nothing is displayed (in DAT format, the null element is displayed).

Unit status (8 characters):
PAUSE[Figure]: Process server process restart suspended
STOP[Figure]: Stopped
STARTING: Starting, applying log information, inheriting the database, or unit is on standby when the system switchover facility is used
ONLINE[Figure]: Running
STOPPING: Stopping
[Figure]: One single-byte space. Note that [Figure] is not displayed in DAT format.

Status of the front-end server (8 characters):
STOP[Figure]: Stopped or unit is on standby when the system switchover facility is used
STARTING: Starting
SUSPEND[Figure]: Suspended or applying log information
ONLINE[Figure]: Running
STOPPING: Stopping
********: Unit contains no front-end server
[Figure]: One single-byte space. Note that [Figure] is not displayed in DAT format.
For a HiRDB single server configuration, ******** is always displayed.

Setup status (7 characters):
SETUP[Figure]: pdsetup has already been executed.
UNSETUP: pdsetup command has not been executed or the pdsetup -d command has already been executed (overwrite installation is available even when the installation directory is used for operation).
[Figure]: One single-byte space. Note that [Figure] is not displayed in DAT format.

Unit start status (8 characters)
This information is displayed only when the -a option is specified.
RECOVERY: The pdstart -r command was used to start the unit.
LOGAPPLY: The pdstart -l command was used to start the unit.
NORMAL[Figure]: A method other than either of the above was used to start the unit.
[Figure] indicates a single-byte space. Note that [Figure] is not displayed in DAT format. If UNIT-STAT is PAUSE or STOP, ******** is displayed.
(b) When the -C -H option is specified


For explanations of aa...a through ll...l, see the information above for when the -C option is omitted.

For the rules for output in DAT format, see 1.5.3 Rules for output of command execution results in DAT format.

One line displays information about the local unit's status.

Time the pdls command was executed, in the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss (4-digit-year/month/date hour:minute:second)