Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference
The pdls -d ust command displays the local unit's activity status.
This command displays the activity status for the unit where the command is executed.
pdls -d ust [-C [-H]] [-a] |
Specifies that the unit status is to be output in DAT format.
Specifies that a title line is to be output (applicable when the -C option is specified).
Specifies that the unit start status is to be displayed.
HOSTNAME : aa...a(bbccdd) SYSTEMID : eeee UNITID : ffff ENTRYHOST : gg...g PAIRHOST : hh...h UNIT-STAT FES-STAT SETUP-STAT iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkk START-OPT : llllllll |
"EDIT-TIME","HOSTNAME","SYSTEMID","UNITID","ENTRYHOST","PAIRHOST","UNIT-STAT", "FES-STAT","SETUP-STAT","START-OPT" "mm...m","aa...aa","eeee","ffff","gg...g","hh...h","iiiiiiii", "jjjjjjjj","kkkkkkk","llllllll" |
For explanations of aa...a through ll...l, see the information above for when the -C option is omitted.
For the rules for output in DAT format, see 1.5.3 Rules for output of command execution results in DAT format.
One line displays information about the local unit's status.
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