Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


29.5.1 Terminating HiRDB expansion units

The following is the procedure for terminating HiRDB expansion units.

  1. Redefine the table.
    Before terminating a HiRDB expansion unit, modify the partitioning storage conditions of the table that was using the HiRDB expansion unit's RDAREA, and restore the table definition that existed before the modification. Before modifying the partitioning storage conditions, back up the table and index, and then modify the table partitioning storage conditions as described in 13.12 Changing a table's partitioning storage conditions and 13.13 Operation when changing a table's partitioning storage conditions.
  2. Terminate the HiRDB expansion units.
    Execute the pdstart -u command on the server machine on which the system manager is located to terminate the HiRDB expansion units. When all HiRDB expansion units have been terminated, the message KFPS05274-I is output. Therefore, confirm that this message has been output.
    Reference note
    If the pdstop command is executed without HiRDB expansion units having been terminated, all units including HiRDB expansion units are terminated normally. If the pdstop -f command is executed, all units including HiRDB expansion units are forcibly terminated. The units that start the next time HiRDB starts will vary depending on the termination status of the HiRDB expansion unit. For details, see Table 29-1 Units that start when the pdstart command is executed and the start processing completion point (when a HiRDB expansion unit is used).

When the batch job is finished, if the HiRDB expansion units will not be used in the future, delete them. The deletion procedure follows.

  1. Prepare to delete a HiRDB expansion unit's RDAREA.
    Perform the following tasks:
    [Figure] Create a control statement file that codes the remove rdarea statement of the database structure modification utility (pdmod).
    [Figure] Back up the tables and indexes stored in the RDAREA to be deleted.
    [Figure] Redefine the table and index partitioning storage conditions by removing the HiRDB expansion unit's RDAREA.
    [Figure] Use the pdhold command to place the RDAREA to be deleted in shutdown and closed status.
  2. Delete the HiRDB expansion unit's RDAREA.
    Execute the database structure modification utility (pdmod) in the unit in which the system manager is located.
  3. Use the pdstop -u command to terminate the HiRDB expansion unit.
    Confirm that the HiRDB expansion unit terminated normally (in this case the message KFPS05274-I is output).
  4. Delete from the OS the HiRDB of the server machine on which the HiRDB expansion unit is located.
    Execute the pdsetup -d command and respond y to the message KFPS00036-Q to delete the HiRDB from the OS.
  5. Uninstall HiRDB from the server machine on which the HiRDB expansion unit is located.
  6. Delete files from the server machine on which the HiRDB expansion unit is located.
    Use an OS command to delete the system files of the server machine on which the HiRDB expansion unit is located.
    Reference note
    Although you may also delete the HiRDB system definition file, we recommend that you save it for potential reuse.