Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


21.6.1 Example 1: Recovering all RDAREAs to the point at which a backup was made

This section explains how to recover all RDAREAs, including the system RDAREAs, to the point at which a backup was made; it is assumed that a backup of the entire system (backup of all RDAREAs) is available.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Use the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally
(2) Use another product's facility to recover all RDAREAs
(3) Use the pdstart command to start HiRDB normally

(1) Use the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally


If HiRDB cannot be terminated normally, take either of the following actions when starting HiRDB in step (3):

(2) Use another product's facility to recover all RDAREAs

Use another product's facility to recover all RDAREAs.

(3) Use the pdstart command to start HiRDB normally
