Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


21.6 Recovery procedure when the backup was not made with the pdcopy command

Executor: HiRDB administrator

This section explains database recovery when a backup was made without using the pdcopy command (that is, when another product's facility was used). The database recovery procedure is outlined below.

To recover the database:
  1. Use the other product's restore facility to recover the database to the backup acquisition point.
  2. Use the pdrstr command to recover the database to the most recent synchronization point.
  • To recover the database to the backup acquisition point only, perform step 1 only.
  • If the master directory RDAREA is included in the RDAREAs to be recovered when recovery is to the most recent synchronization point or recovery is with a range specification, first recover the master directory RDAREA only, and then recover the remaining RDAREAs.
Organization of this section
21.6.1 Example 1: Recovering all RDAREAs to the point at which a backup was made
21.6.2 Example 2: Recovering specified RDAREAs to the point at which a backup was made
21.6.3 Example 3: Recovering all RDAREAs to the most recent synchronization point
21.6.4 Example 4: Recovering specified RDAREAs
21.6.5 Example 5: Recovering the master directory RDAREA only