Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.26 Handling errors in the HiRDB file system areas

Executor: HiRDB administrator

If HiRDB processing is terminated by the OS's kill command or shutdown occurs while HiRDB file creation, deletion, or extension is underway, updating of the management information in the HiRDB file system areas (HiRDB file system configuration and file management information) is interrupted.

This might create files that cannot be managed and areas that cannot be referenced. Although this does not pose a problem for resuming HiRDB processing, the maximum number of files intended when the HiRDB file system area was created (-l operand value in the pdfmkfs command) or the specified maximum capacity (-n option value in the pdfmkfs command minus the size of the area management section) might no longer be available. In the case of HiRDB version 07-02 or earlier, the area management information might be corrupted.

This section describes how to respond when unmanageable files and unreferenceable areas area created and when area management information is corrupted.

Organization of this section
20.26.1 Unmanageable files and unreferenceable areas
20.26.2 Corruption of the area management information (applicable to HiRDB version 07-02 and earlier)