Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.25.3 When a backup is available for the disk on which the HiRDB directory is located

If HiRDB cannot be reinstalled because neither the installation directory nor the HiRDB provided medium is available, recover the disk contents (including the HiRDB directory) from the disk backup.

For details on how to back up the disk in which the HiRDB directory is located, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.

Organization of this subsection
(1) When the HiRDB directory is not in the root volume
(2) When the HiRDB directory is in the root volume

(1) When the HiRDB directory is not in the root volume

  1. Restart the server machine to clear out all remaining server processes.
  2. Set the OS's Run Level (or Run Mode) to 1 (single user mode).
  3. Recover the contents of the disk in which the HiRDB directory is located from the backup.
  4. Return the OS's Run Level (or Run Mode) to the original mode.
  5. If the pdsetup -d command had been executed before the disk was damaged, execute the pdsetup command.
  6. Use the pdstart command to start HiRDB.

(2) When the HiRDB directory is in the root volume

  1. Restartthe server machine to clear out all remaining server processes.
  2. Recover the root volume from the backup.
  3. Execute the pdsetup command.
  4. Use the pdstart command to start HiRDB.