Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.11.3 Actions to be taken when transactions remain resident due to inactivity of a unit with a front-end server

Organization of this subsection
(1) When transactions remain resident
(2) Actions to take

(1) When transactions remain resident

When all the following conditions are present, transactions might remain resident on the active unit:

Because transactions that remain resident continue to use resources, if too many transactions remain resident, HiRDB might no longer be able to perform concurrent execution of a large number of transactions from connected users.

(2) Actions to take

Use the pdstart -u command to start the unit with the front-end server. If you are unable to start the unit with the front-end server, check the transaction status of the transaction manager's transactions, and use the pdcmt, pdrbk, or pdfgt command to forcibly complete the HiRDB transactions. If you use this method to forcibly complete the transactions, the transaction completion methods recognized in the transaction manager and HiRDB might no longer match.