Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.11.2 Actions to be taken when a transaction is placed in FORGETTING status due to an error

Organization of this subsection
(1) Overview of transactions in FORGETTING status
(2) When a transaction in FORGETTING status occurs
(3) Actions to take

(1) Overview of transactions in FORGETTING status

A transaction that is in FORGETTING status, as explained here, is one that satisfies all the following conditions:

The following is an example of a FORGETTING transaction:

pdls -d trn
HOSTNAME : host1(153201)
TRNGID           TRNBID           STATUS           PID   SVID   B-SVID
HRD1unt100020b51 HRD1unt100020038 FORGETTING(r,w)    0   bes1   fes1

(2) When a transaction in FORGETTING status occurs

When an error that satisfies one of the following conditions occurs, the transaction is in FORGETTING status on HiRDB:

Because a transaction in FORGETTING status uses HiRDB memory resources that are allocated for transactions, an error might occur if too many transactions are placed in FORGETTING status. Such an error might prevent HiRDB from being able to perform concurrent execution of a large number of transactions from connected users.

(3) Actions to take

If a transaction in FORGETTING status occurs, take one of the following actions: