Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.9.4 Errors in the data linkage file (HiRDB Datareplicator)

HiRDB processing
When HiRDB Datareplicator linkage is being used, data linkage is disabled if the data linkage file that is being used to report the extraction status is initialized or if an open error or input/output error occurs in this file. When HiRDB detects an error in the data linkage file, it cancels HiRDB Datareplicator linkage and resumes operation using HiRDB only.

HiRDB administrator's action
Take the following action:

To correct the data linkage file error:
  1. Enter the pdls -d rpl command to determine whether the HiRDB unit is executing HiRDB Datareplicator linkage.
  2. If the unit is executing HiRDB Datareplicator linkage, enter the pdrplstop command to terminate HiRDB Datareplicator linkage.
  3. Correct the data linkage file.
  4. To restart HiRDB Datareplicator linkage, enter the pdrplstart command.#
#: When HiRDB Datareplicator is stopped in this manner, mismatches might arise between the extracted database and the target database being processed over the data linkage. Therefore, before entering the pdrplstart command, you must re-create the target database based on the extracted database. For details about how to re-create a target database, see the HiRDB Datareplicator Version 8 Description, User's Guide and Operator's Guide.