Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


16.4 Deleting a stored procedure or stored function

Organization of this section
(1) Deleting a stored procedure
(2) Deleting a stored function

(1) Deleting a stored procedure

DROP PROCEDURE is used to delete a stored procedure.

(2) Deleting a stored function

DROP FUNCTION is used to delete a stored function.

(a) When a stored function is deleted, an existing stored function might be invalidated

When a stored function is deleted, an existing stored function might become invalid. For details about the invalidating conditions, see DROP [PUBLIC] FUNCTION (Delete function, delete public function) in the manual HiRDB Version 9 SQL Reference.

If a stored function becomes invalid, use ALTER ROUTINE to re-create it.

(b) When a stored function is deleted, an existing stored procedure might be invalidated

When a stored function is deleted, an existing stored procedure might become invalid. For details about the invalidating conditions, see DROP [PUBLIC] FUNCTION (Delete function, delete public function) in the manual HiRDB Version 9 SQL Reference.

If an existing stored procedure becomes invalid, use ALTER PROCEDURE or ALTER ROUTINE to re-create it.

(c) When a stored function is deleted, an existing trigger might be invalidated

When a stored function is deleted, an existing trigger might become invalid. For details about the invalidating conditions, see DROP [PUBLIC] FUNCTION (Delete function, delete public function) in the manual HiRDB Version 9 SQL Reference.

If an existing trigger becomes invalid, use ALTER TRIGGER or ALTER ROUTINE to re-create it.