Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


15.7.2 Example

This example deletes a user RDAREA named RDAREA1.

  1. Delete any table or index from the RDAREA to be deleted.
  2. Use the pdhold command to place the RDAREA to be deleted in shutdown and closed status.
  3. Create a control statements file for the pdmod command.
  4. Use the pdmod command to delete the RDAREA.
  5. Use the pdbufmod command to delete the global buffer.
  6. Update the pdbuffer operand.
The procedure step numbers correspond to the paragraph numbers in the explanation that follows. For example, step 3 above is explained in paragraph (3) below.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Delete any table or index from RDAREA to be deleted
(2) Use the pdhold command to place the RDAREA to be deleted in shutdown and closed status
(3) Create the control statements file for the pdmod command
(4) Use the pdmod command to delete the RDAREA
(5) Use the pdbufmod command to delete the global buffer
(6) Update the pdbuffer operand

(1) Delete any table or index from RDAREA to be deleted


(2) Use the pdhold command to place the RDAREA to be deleted in shutdown and closed status

pdhold -r RDAREA1 -c

(3) Create the control statements file for the pdmod command

A control statements file that contains the pdmod command's remove rdarea statement (/pdmod/remove01) is created. The following are the contents of the control statements file:

remove rdarea RDAREA1;

The RDAREA to be deleted (RDAREA1) is specified.

(4) Use the pdmod command to delete the RDAREA

pdmod -a /pdmod/remove01

-a: Specifies the name of the control statements file for the pdmod command created in step (3).

(5) Use the pdbufmod command to delete the global buffer

If you no longer need the global buffer that was allocated for the deleted RDAREA (it is allocated for no other RDAREAs), delete that global buffer.

pdbufmod -k del -a gbuf01

-k del: Specifies that a global buffer is to be deleted.
-a: Specifies the name of the global buffer being deleted.

All the following conditions must be satisfied in order to execute the pdbufmod command:

(6) Update the pdbuffer operand

The global buffer deletion information becomes invalid when HiRDB is terminated normally or through planned termination. Therefore, delete the name of the deleted RDAREA from the pdbuffer operand while HiRDB is stopped.

You can use the system reconfiguration command (pdchgconf command to change the pdbuffer operand specification while HiRDB is running. Note that HiRDB Advanced High Availability must be installed in order to execute the system reconfiguration command. For details about modifying HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running, see 9.2 Modifying HiRDB system definitions while HiRDB is running (system reconfiguration command).

We recommend that after the command has executed you check whether the execution results are correct. For details on how to check command execution results, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.