Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.1.2 Messages indicating poor data storage efficiency

When the data storage efficiency becomes poor, HiRDB outputs the following messages:

Organization of this subsection
(1) KFPA12300-I or KFPH00211-I is output
(2) KFPH00212-I is output
(3) KFPH22017-I is output

(1) KFPA12300-I or KFPH00211-I is output

If an RDAREA begins to run out of free space, the KFPA12300-I or KFPH00211-I message is output (indicating the last file in the RDAREA or the overall RDAREA utilization factor).

Action to be taken by the HiRDB administrator
Execute the pddbls -a command or the database condition analysis utility's condition analysis by RDAREA to determine whether the RDAREA structure should be modified; for details on RDAREA structure modification, see 15. Handling RDAREAs.

(2) KFPH00212-I is output

When the table retrieval efficiency or storage efficiency has become degraded, the KFPH00212-I message is output.

Action to be taken by the HiRDB administrator
Use conditional analysis by table in the database condition analysis utility to take one of the following actions:
  • Reorganize the table
  • Release used free pages and used free segments
For details about reorganizing a table, see 13.2 Reorganizing a table and 13.3 Reorganizing a table (examples); for details about releasing used free pages and used free segments, see 15.11 Re-using used free pages and used free segments.
In the cases listed below, however, you must first use the database structure modification utility (pdmod command) to change the structure of the RDAREA (for details about changing the structure of an RDAREA, see 15. Handling RDAREAs):
  • This message is issued frequently for tables in the same RDAREA.
  • This message is issued while a table is being reorganized or immediately after it has been reorganized.
  • This message is issued while an index is being reorganized or immediately after it has been reorganized.

(3) KFPH22017-I is output

When LOB data retrieval efficiency or storage efficiency is reduced, the KFPH22017-I message is output.

Action to be taken by the HiRDB administrator
Execute the database condition analysis utility's condition analysis by table and determine whether table reorganization is called for; for details on table reorganization, see 13.2 Reorganizing a table and 13.3 Reorganizing a table (examples).
The RDAREA to be reorganized depends on the RDAREA type displayed in the KFPH22017-I message:
    Reorganize the LOB data in the user LOB RDAREA.
  • Data dictionary LOB RDAREA
    Reorganize the dictionary tables for the following stored procedures and stored functions:
    [Figure] SQL_ROUTINES