Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


8.1.7 Improving the reliability of syslogfile and converting the character code (Linux edition only)

In the case of the Linux edition of HiRDB, the extended syslog facility# can be applied. By installing the extended syslog facility and applying its functions, you can improve the reliability of the syslogfile and convert the syslogfile character codes.

#: The extended syslog facility is a program provided as part of the log environment enhancement option of Hitachi Support 360.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Improving the reliability of syslogfile
(2) Converting syslogfile character encoding
(3) Linux versions and prerequisite program processes
(4) Notes

(1) Improving the reliability of syslogfile

If a large number of messages are output to the syslogfile, causing a memory shortage, messages might be lost without being correctly output to the syslogfile. When the extended syslog facility is applied, output is retried if an attempt to output a message to the syslogfile fails. In this way, the facility prevents messages from being lost.

(2) Converting syslogfile character encoding

You can convert the character encoding of the messages to be output to the syslogfile from SJIS to UTF-8. Converting character encoding standardizes the message character encoding to UTF-8, providing the following benefits:

(3) Linux versions and prerequisite program processes

The table below shows the combinations of prerequisite Linux versions and prerequisite program processes, along with their versions, that are required for improving the reliability of the syslogfile and converting the syslogfile character encoding.

To convert the syslogfile character encoding, the character encoding used by HiRDB must be SJIS (sjis specified for the -c option of the pdsetup command), and the conditions indicated in the following table must be met.

Table 8-6 Combinations of prerequisite Linux versions and prerequisite program processes along with their versions

Linux version Prerequisite program process Applicable function
Extended syslog facility Hitachi Code Conversion
x86 version Linux 4 Update 3 01-02 or later --
  • syslogfile reliability improvement
Linux 4.5
Linux 5.1 02-00 or later
02-01 or later Runtime 02-03 or later
  • syslogfile reliability improvement
  • syslogfile character code conversion
Linux 5.3 02-03 or later Runtime 02-03 or later
Linux 5.4 02-04 or later Runtime 02-03 or later
EM64T version Linux 4.5 01-02 or later --
  • syslogfile reliability improvement
Linux 5.1 02-00 or later
02-01 or later Runtime 02-05 or later#
  • syslogfile reliability improvement
  • syslogfile character code conversion
Linux 5.3 02-03 or later
Linux 5.4 02-04 or later
Linux 5.6 02-06-/A or later Runtime (64) 02-05 or later, or Runtime (64) 03-00 or later
Linux 6.1 03-00 or later Runtime (64) 03-00 or later

Linux 4 Update 3: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 3
Linux 4.5: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5
Linux 5.1: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1
Linux 5.3: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3
Linux 5.4: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4
Linux 5.6: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6
Linux 6.1: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1
--: Hitachi Code Conversion is not required.

#: When the addressing mode is 64-bit, Runtime (64) 02-05 or later is required.

(4) Notes