Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


8.1 Using the message log to check the system execution status

Executor: HiRDB administrator

The system's execution status can be determined by checking the message log. The message log provides a historical record of HiRDB messages for the following purposes:

Organization of this section
8.1.1 Referencing the message log (message log output destination)
8.1.2 Using the message log files
8.1.3 Selecting a message log output method (applicable only to a HiRDB parallel server configuration)
8.1.4 Suppressing message output to syslogfile
8.1.5 Changing the severity of the messages to be output to syslogfile
8.1.6 Suppressing output of information messages during utility execution
8.1.7 Improving the reliability of syslogfile and converting the character code (Linux edition only)