Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


6.5.3 Examples of using the differential backup facility

The following procedure for applying the differential backup facility is illustrated by the examples later in this section.

To apply the differential backup facility:
  1. Select the RDAREAs to which the differential backup facility is to be applied (determine the differential backup group).
  2. Make a full backup of the RDAREAs to be backed up.
  3. Make differential backups of the RDAREAs to be backed up (for example, make a backup once a day).
  4. Make a full backup of the RDAREAs being backed up on a regular basis (for example, make a full backup once a week).

The operation example of the differential backup facility assumes the following conditions.

  • The differential backup facility is applied to the two user RDAREAs rdarea01 and rdarea02.
  • A full backup is made once a week (on Sunday).
  • Update information only is collected as a differential backup every day (Monday through Saturday).
Organization of this subsection
(1) Making a full backup (on Sunday)
(2) Making a backup of the differential backup management file (every Sunday)
(3) Making a differential backup (daily, Monday through Saturday)
(4) Making a backup of the differential backup management file (daily, Monday through Saturday)

(1) Making a full backup (on Sunday)

Use the pdlogswap command to swap the system log files, and then use the pdcopy command to make a full backup.

pdlogswap -d sys -w
pdcopy -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -M r -r rdarea01,rdarea02 -g 'backupg1(S)'
-b /pdcopy/backup01 -d a -K /pdcopy/admfile -L 5 -o /pdcopy/rfile

-m: Specifies the name of the first HiRDB file in the master directory RDAREA.
-M: Specifies the referencing-permitted mode as the backup acquisition mode.
-r: Specifies the RDAREAs to be backed up.
The RDAREA group specified here becomes the backup group. The RDAREAs constituting the group cannot be changed subsequently.
-g: Specifies a name for the differential backup group.
When the first full backup is made, (S) must be specified in the differential backup group name. The differential backup group name specified in this option is used when subsequent differential backups are made.
When (S) is specified, the entire differential backup group name must be enclosed in single quotation marks (for example, 'backupg1(S)'). However, the enclosing apostrophes must not be used when the -g option is specified in a control statements file.
-b: Specifies a name for the backup file (full backup file name).
-d: Specifies the backup type:
a: Full backup
b: Accumulation-differential backup since the most recent full backup
c: Accumulation-differential backup since either the previously collected accumulation-differential backup or the previously collected full backup, whichever is most recent
d: Differential backup
For details on accumulation-differential backups, see 6.5.4 Creating an accumulation-differential backup.
-K: Specifies the name of the HiRDB file system area in which the differential backup management file is to be stored.
-L: Specifies (in megabytes) the size of the differential backup management file.
-o: Specifies the name of the history file for differential backups.
For details on the history file for differential backups, see 6.5.5 Referencing the history file for differential backups.

(2) Making a backup of the differential backup management file (every Sunday)

Use the pdfbkup command to make a backup of the created differential backup management file:

pdfbkup /pdcopy/admfile/backupg1 /backup/pdcopy/admfile/backupg1

Specifies the name of the differential backup management file. This name is the same as the differential backup group name.
Specifies a name for the backup file of the differential backup management file.

(3) Making a differential backup (daily, Monday through Saturday)

Use the pdlogswap command to swap the system log files, and then use the pdcopy command to make a differential backup.

pdlogswap -d sys -w
pdcopy -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -M r -g backupg1 -b /pdcopy/backup02
-d d -K /pdcopy/admfile -o /pdcopy/rfile

-m: Specifies the name of the first HiRDB file in the master directory RDAREA.
-M: Specifies the referencing-permitted mode as the backup acquisition mode.
-g: Specifies the name of the differential backup group; (S) need not be specified.
-b: Specifies a name for the backup file (differential backup file name).
-d: Specifies the backup type:
a: Full backup
b: Accumulation-differential backup since the most recent full backup
c: Accumulation-differential backup since either the previously collected accumulation-differential backup or the previously collected full backup, whichever is most recent
d: Differential backup
For details on accumulation-differential backup, see 6.5.4 Creating an accumulation-differential backup.
-K: Specifies the name of the HiRDB file system area in which the differential backup management file is to be stored.
-o: Specifies the name of the history file for differential backups.
For details on the history file for differential backups, see 6.5.5 Referencing the history file for differential backups.

(4) Making a backup of the differential backup management file (daily, Monday through Saturday)

Use the pdfbkup command to make a backup of the created differential backup management file:

pdfbkup -r /pdcopy/admfile/backupg1 /backup/pdcopy/admfile/backupg1

-r: Specifies that the last backup of the differential backup management file is to be overwritten.
Specifies the name of the differential backup management file. This name is the same as the differential backup group name.
Specifies a name for the backup file of the differential backup management file.