Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


6.5.5 Referencing the history file for differential backups

The history file for differential backups contains differential backup acquisition information in time series order. This file can be referenced with the pdcopy command. The statistical information file can be referenced with a text editor provided by the OS. The following is an example of the output from a history file for differential backups:


  1. pdcopy command's execution date
  2. HiRDB identifier
  3. Name of the HiRDB file system area containing the differential backup management file
  4. Backup group name
  5. Backup group's creation date
  6. Date of the most recent update of the backup group
  7. Names of the RDAREAs belonging to the backup group
  8. Backup type:
    a: Full backup
    b: Accumulation-differential backup since the most recent full backup
    c: Accumulation-differential backup collected since either the previously collected accumulation-differential backup or the previously collected full backup, whichever is most recent
    d: Differential backup
  9. Backup acquisition start time
  10. Backup acquisition completion time
  11. Backup acquisition mode:
    x: Updating/referencing-impossible mode
    r: Referencing-permitted mode
    s: Updatable mode
  12. Backup file type:
    u: Regular file
    i: HiRDB file system area for backup files
  13. Backup file name:
    Displayed in the format host-name:backup-file-name