OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


6.4.3 CBLDCCLS('STRAPHST') - Set the destination of a request to establish a permanent connection

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Data area where the UAP sets values
(4) Data area for which a value is returned
(5) Status codes
(6) Notes

(1) Form

(a) In a multi-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLS' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
      02  data-name-A   PIC X(8) VALUE 'STRAPHST'.
      02  data-name-B   PIC X(5).
      02  FILLER       PIC X(3).
      02  data-name-C   PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
      02  data-name-D   PIC 9(9) COMP.
      02  data-name-E   PIC X(n).
(b) In a single-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLT' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
      02  data-name-A   PIC X(8) VALUE 'STRAPHST'.
      02  data-name-B   PIC X(5).
      02  FILLER       PIC X(3).
      02  data-name-C   PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
      02  FILLER       PIC 9(9) COMP.
      02  data-name-E   PIC X(n).

(2) Purpose

CBLDCCLS('STRAPHST') sets the host name and port number of the node to which you want to send a request to establish a permanent connection. The host name and port number set by these programs prevail over those specified in DCCLTRAPHOST in the client environment definition. After CBLDCCLS('STRAPHST') is executed, CBLDCCLS('CONNECT ') uses the host name and port number specified in CBLDCCLS('STRAPHST').

You may want to restore the host name and port number that were used before CBLDCCLS('STRAPHST') was executed. To do this, before executing CBLDCCLS('STRAPHST') to set a new host name and port number, execute CBLDCCLS('GTRAPHST') to acquire the current host name and port number. Then, after executing CBLDCCLS('STRAPHST') to set a new host name and port number, reexecute the function specifying the previously acquired host name and port number.

(3) Data area where the UAP sets values

(4) Data area for which a value is returned

(5) Status codes

Status code Meaning
00000 The program normally terminated.
02501 The value specified in an argument is incorrect. The request code (data-name-A) may be incorrect.
02502 Possible causes are as follows:
  • The program has already been executed in the transaction.
  • A permanent connection is being established.
  • CBLDCRPS('OPEN ') has not been executed.
02504 A necessary amount of buffer could not be allocated.
02544 The client ID specified in data-name-D differs from the one received with CBLDCCLS('CLTIN ') or CBLDCCLS('EXCLTIN ').

(6) Notes