OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


6.4.2 CBLDCCLS ('DISCNCT ') - Release permanent connection

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Data area where the UAP sets values
(4) Data area for which a value is returned
(5) Status codes
(6) Notes

(1) Form

(a) In a multi-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLS' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
   02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'DISCNCT '.
   02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
   02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
   02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
   02 data-name-D PIC 9(9) COMP.
(b) In a single-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLT' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
   02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'DISCNCT '.
   02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
   02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
   02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.

(2) Purpose

Releases the permanent connection with a CUP execution process, a RAP-processing server or the DCCM3 logical terminal.

(3) Data area where the UAP sets values

(4) Data area for which a value is returned

(5) Status codes

Status code Meaning
00000 Normal termination. Alternatively, for TP1/Client/W, the permanent connection is already disconnected.
02501 Invalid value for the data name. The request code (data-name-A) may be invalid.
02502 CBLDCCLS('DISCNCT ') is issued in the transaction, or CBLDCCLS('OPEN ') is not issued.
02504 A necessary amount of buffer could not be allocated.
02506 Communication error. Alternatively, for TP1/Client/P, the permanent connection is already disconnected.
02507 A timeout error occurred during establishment of permanent connection.
02518 System error
02544 The client ID specified in data-name-D differs from the one received with CBLDCCLS('CLTIN ') or CBLDCCLS('EXCLTIN ').

(6) Notes

In this case, the CUP execution process or DCCM3 logical terminal may keep on waiting for a response from the CUP, without detecting the release of permanent connection by TP1/Client. To prevent an infinite wait, specify an appropriate value for the maximum time interval for the permanent connection. For a DCCM3 logical terminal, specify an appropriate value for the time during which the system is unable to determine whether a connection with the terminal is valid.

Issuing CBLDCCLS('DISCNCT ') in a transaction commits the transaction.