OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages



mmm error occurred during file transfer. connection name=aa...aa logical terminal=(,ccc,dd...dd) maintenance information=(e,fff,,hh...hh,iiiiiiii,jj...jj)

mmm: MCF identifier
aa...aa: Connection name Logical terminal name
ccc: Logical terminal type
any: any type
dd...dd: Operation mode
noedit: Non-editing mode
e: Error identification
C: Code conversion failed
E: File error
F: Invalid file name specified
M: Message cannot be sent.
N: Exceptional condition received
R: Invalid file
S: Sequence error
fff: Matrix identification
fit: File transfer matrix Matrix status code (maintenance information)
hh...hh: Matrix event code (maintenance information)
iiiiiiii: Exception code
00830700: No transfer file found
00840400: Failure in allocating a file without transfer file read or write right
00841100: Insufficient disk capacity, or failure in allocating resources
00841300: File transfer from OpenTP1 is canceled.
00841400: File transfer is interrupted.
00850b00: An I/O error occurred during file transfer from OpenTP1.
00860b00: An I/O error occurred during file transfer from the host.
00c20107: Invalid file data (Undefined CTF is detected immediately after Fiu prefix.)
00c20108: Invalid file data (Undefined CTF is detected in the command operand part.)
00c20201: Invalid file data (Invalid Fiu prefix)
00c20208: Invalid file data (Excessive command operand is found.)
00c2020f: Invalid file data (Contents data undefined CTF is detected.)
00c20708: Invalid file data (Necessary command operand is not found.)
00c20802: Invalid file data (Invalid Fiu suffix)
00c20f08: Invalid file data (Inconsistent sum total of LL among command operand items)
00c20f10: Invalid file data (Inconsistent sum total of LL among contents data items)
00c20f17: Invalid file data (Invalid LL of Fiu Command or Content Unit Prefix)
00c21009: Invalid file data (Invalid command operand data)
Invalid transfer file name specified
00c21011: Invalid file data (Invalid contents data)
The character file record length exceeds the limit.
Insufficient file data input/output buffer length
Insufficient send buffer length
The maximum transmission text length specified by the host was exceeded.
00c30a00: Invalid file transfer protocol sequence
Other than above: The cause of the error cannot be determined.
jj...jj: Error code
When the error identification is R:
Invalid file detailed information
1: The read record length of the character file exceeds 3,410 bytes during uploading.
2: Insufficient file data input/output buffer length
3: The send buffer length is insufficient, or the maximum transmission text length specified by the host during upload was exceeded.
When the error identification is S:
Sequence error detailed information
1: Received contents have an invalid Fiu ID.
2: Cross-correlation operand of the flow command received from OpenTP1 during file transfer has an invalid Fiu ID.
3: Received data violates the protocol.
When the error identification is other than above:
Unidentified error.
S: Terminates file transfer.
Outputs the KFCA16751-I when the error identification is F, E, or R.
O: Take action according to the error identification as shown below.
E: Check and remove the cause of the error according to the error code, and retry.
F: Check the application name specified by the host, remove the cause of the error, and then retry.
M: Terminate the file transfer from the host. Then, check and remove the cause of disabled transmission, and retry.
R: Take one of the following actions according to the error code.
1: Check that the transfer file is a character file. Then, use the editor to re-edit the record to make its length within 3,410 bytes, or install the file data editing UOC to adjust the edited record length, and then retry. If it is not a character file, specify the correct file type and retry.
2: Re-specify the length of file data input/output buffers in the mcftbuf definition command of the MCF communication configuration definition, then retry.
3: Specify a value greater than 3,440 bytes for the length of the message send buffer in the mcftbuf definition command of the MCF communication configuration definition, then retry.
When a value greater than 3,440 bytes is specified for the length of the message send buffer, correct the value of the maximum length of transmission text specified by the host, and then retry.
N, S, or C: Contact the OpenTP1 administrator.
Countermeasure: When the error identification is N, S, C, or M and the cause of the error cannot be determined, obtain maintenance information and contact the maintenance personnel.