OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


7.4.2 TX interface sample

This subsection shows a coding example for an SUP that uses the X/Open TX interface. This SUP uses TX-interfaced transaction control for processing that was described in 7.1 Coding samples for client/server configuration UAPs (SUP, SPP DAM access). See 7.1 Coding samples for client/server configuration UAPs (SUP, SPP DAM access) for the process configuration and details of the SPP to which the service request is addressed.

  20  /* 
  30   * SUP01 
  40   */ 
  50  #include <stdio.h>  
  60  #include <string.h>  
  70  #include <dcrpc.h>  
  80  #include <tx.h> 
 100  main() 
 110  { 
 120  /* 
 130   * Define variables
 140   */ 
 150      static char in_buf [1024]; 
 160      static long in_buf_len; 
 170      static char out_buf [1024]; 
 180      static long out_buf_len; 
 190      int rc; 
 200    TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT trn_timeout = 180;
 205                    /* Monitoring interval 180 seconds */
 210    TXINFO info;
 220  /* 
 230   * RPC-OPEN (start the UAP) 
 240   */ 
 250      rc = dc_rpc_open(DCNOFLAGS); 
 260      if(rc != DC_OK){ 
 270          printf("SUP01:dc_rpc_open failed. "
 275                 "CODE = %d \n",rc);
 280          goto PROG_END; 
 290      } 
 300  /* 
 310   * TX-OPEN (open the resource manager)
 320   */ 
 330      rc = tx_open(); 
 340      if(rc != TX_OK){ 
 350          printf("SUP01:tx_open failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 360          goto PROG_END; 
 370      } 
 380  /* 
 390   * TX-SET-TRANSACTION-TIMEOUT (set the transaction
 395   *                             monitoring interval)
 400   */ 
 410      rc = tx_set_transaction_timeout(trn_timeout); 
 420      if(rc != TX_OK){ 
 430          printf("SUP01:tx_set_transaction_timeout "
 435                 "failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 440          goto PROG_END; 
 450      } 
 460  /* 
 470   * ADM-COMPLETE (report completion of user server 
 475   * start processing) 
 480   */ 
 490      rc = dc_adm_complete(DCNOFLAGS); 
 500      if(rc != DC_OK){ 
 510          printf(dc_adm_complete failed. CODE = %d \n",
 515                 rc);
 520          goto PROG_END; 
 530      } 
 540  /* 
 550   * TX-BEGIN (start the transaction) 
 560   */ 
 570      rc = tx_begin(); 
 580      if(rc != TX_OK){ 
 590          printf("SUP01:tx_begin failed. CODE = %d \n",
 595                  rc);
 600          goto TRAN_END; 
 610      } 
 630  /* 
 640   * TX-INFO (acquire transaction information)
 650   */ 
 660      rc = tx_info(&info); 
 670      if(rc <= 0){ 
 680          printf("SUP01:Currently the system is not in "
 685          "the transaction mode. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 690          goto PROG_END; 
 700      }else if (rc == 1){
 710      printf("SUP01:return=%d,control=%d,timeout=%d,"
 715             "state=%d\n",
 720        info.when_return,info.transaction_control,
 730        info.transaction_timeout, info.transaction_state);
 740    }
 750  /* 
 760   * RPC-CALL (request a remote service) 
 770   */ 
 780      strcpy(in_buf,"SUP01:DATA OpenTP1!!"); 
 790      in_buf_len = strlen(in_buf) + 1; 
 800      out_buf_len = 1024; 
 810      rc = dc_rpc_call("svr01","svr01",in_buf,&in_buf_len,
 820      out_buf,&out_buf_len,DCNOFLAGS); 
 830      if(rc != DC_OK){ 
 840          printf("SUP01:The service request failed. "
 845                 "CODE = %d \n",rc); 
 850          goto TRAN_END; 
 860      } 
 870      printf("SUP01:SERVICE FUNCTION RETURN = %s\n",
 875              out_buf);
 880  /* 
 890   * TX-SET-TRANSACTION-CONTROL (set the unchained mode)
 900   */ 
 910      TRAN_END: 
 920      rc = tx_set_transaction_control(TX_UNCHAINED); 
 930      if(rc != TX_OK){ 
 940          printf("SUP01:tx_set_transaction_control "
 945                 "failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 950      }
 960  /* 
 970   * TX-COMMIT (commit in unchained mode) 
 980   */ 
 990      rc = tx_commit(); 
1000      if(rc != TX_OK){ 
1010          printf("SUP01:tx_commit failed. CODE = %d \n",
1015                  rc);
1020      } 
1030  /* 
1040   * TX-CLOSE (close the resource manager) 
1050   */ 
1060      PROG_END: 
1070      rc = tx_close(); 
1080      if(rc != TX_OK){ 
1090          printf("SUP01:tx_close failed. CODE = %d \n",
1095                  rc);
1100          goto PROG_END; 
1110      } 
1120  /* 
1130   * RPC-CLOSE (terminate the UAP) 
1140   */ 
1150      dc_rpc_close(DCNOFLAGS); 
1160      printf("SUP01:Processing is finished.\n"); 
1170      exit(0); 
1180  }