OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


7.1 Coding samples for client/server configuration UAPs (SUP, SPP DAM access)

The figure below shows an example of a client/server configuration UAP.

Figure 7-1 Client/Server configuration UAP sample (DAM access)


DAM file damfile0 contains a control section in its first block and data records in the second and subsequent blocks. During service processing, the first block is read (the function dc_dam_read()) and is updated (the function dc_dam_rewrite()), then the second and subsequent blocks are directly updated using the function dc_dam_write().

This section presents a coding example based on the configuration sample shown in the figure.

Organization of this section
(1) SUP sample
(2) SPP sample (main function)
(3) SPP sample (service function)

(1) SUP sample

The following shows a coding example for an SUP.

  10  /*
  20   * SUP01
  30   */
  40  #include <stdio.h>
  50  #include <string.h>
  60  #include <dcrpc.h>
  70  #include <dctrn.h>
  90  main()
 100  {
 110  /*
 120   * Define variables
 130   */
 140    static char   in_buf[1024];
 150    static DCLONG in_buf_len;
 160    static char   out_buf[1024];
 170    static DCLONG out_buf_len;
 180    int rc;
 190  /*
 200   * RPC-OPEN (start the UAP)
 210   */
 220    rc = dc_rpc_open(DCNOFLAGS);
 230    /* Prepare to use various OpenTP1 functions  */
 235    /* (initialize each function)                */
 240    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 250      printf("SUP01:dc_rpc_open failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 260      goto PROG_END;
 270    }
 280  /*
 290   * ADM-COMPLETE (report completion 
 295   * of user server start processing)
 300   */
 310    rc = dc_adm_complete(DCNOFLAGS);
 320    if(rc != DC_OK){
 330      printf("SUP01:dc_adm_complete failed."
 335             "CODE = %d \n",rc);
 340      goto PROG_END;
 350    }
 360  /*
 370   * TRN_BEGIN (start the transaction)
 380   */
 390    rc = dc_trn_begin();
 400    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 410      printf("SUP01:dc_trn_begin failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 420      goto TRAN_END;
 430    }
 440    /*
 450     * RPC-CALL (request a remote service)
 460     */
 470    strcpy(in_buf,"SUP01:DATA OpenTP1!!");
 480    in_buf_len = strlen(in_buf) + 1;
 490    out_buf_len = 1024;
 500    rc = dc_rpc_call("spp01grp","svr01",
 505                     in_buf,&in_buf_len,
 510                     out_buf,&out_buf_len,DCNOFLAGS);
 520    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 530      printf("SUP01:Service request failed. "
 535             "CODE = %d \n",rc);
 540      goto TRAN_END;
 550    }
 560    printf("SUP01:SERVICE FUNCTION RETURN = %s\n",
 565            out_buf);
 570  /*
 580   * TRN-UNCHAINED-COMMIT (commit in unchained mode)
 590   */
 600    TRAN_END:
 610    rc = dc_trn_unchained_commit();
 620    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 630      printf("SUP01:dc_trn_unchained_commit failed. "
 635             "CODE = %d \n",rc);
 640    }
 650  /*
 660   * RPC-CLOSE (terminate the UAP)
 670   */
 680    PROG_END:
 690    dc_rpc_close(DCNOFLAGS);
 700    printf("SUP01:Processing is finished.\n");
 710    exit(0);
 720  }

(2) SPP sample (main function)

The following shows a coding example for the SPP main function.

  10  /*
  20   * SPP01 main function
  30   */
  40  #include <stdio.h>
  50  #include <dcrpc.h>
  60  #include <dcdam.h>
  70  #define DAMFILE "damfile0"
  90  int damfd;   /* damfile file-id */
 110  main()
 120  {
 130  /*
 140   * Define area for storing return value
 150   */
 160    int rc;
 170  /*
 180   * RPC-OPEN (start the UAP)
 190   */
 200    rc = dc_rpc_open(DCNOFLAGS);
 210    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 220      printf("SPP01:dc_rpc_open failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 230      goto PROG_END;
 240    }
 250  /*
 260   * DAM-OPEN (open a logical file)
 270   */
 280    rc = dc_dam_open(DAMFILE,DCDAM_BLOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
 290    if(rc < DC_OK) {
 300      printf("SVR01:dc_dam_open failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 310      goto DAM_END;
 320    }
 330    damfd = rc;
 340  /*
 350   *  RPC-MAINLOOP (start the SPP service)
 360   */
 370    printf("SPP01:mainloop begins.\n");
 380    rc = dc_rpc_mainloop(DCNOFLAGS);
 390    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 400      printf("SPP01:dc_rpc_mainloop \
 410          failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 420    }
 430  /*
 440   * DAM-CLOSE (close the logical file)
 450   */
 460    DAM_END:
 470    rc = dc_dam_close(damfd,DCNOFLAGS);
 480    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 490      printf("SVR01:dc_dam_close failed. CODE = %d\n",rc);
 500    }
 510  /*
 520   * RPC-CLOSE (terminate the UAP)
 530   */
 540    PROG_END:
 550    dc_rpc_close(DCNOFLAGS);
 560    printf("SPP01:The SPP service processing is "
 565           "terminated. \n");
 570    exit(0);
 580  }

(3) SPP sample (service function)

The following shows a coding example for the SPP service function.

  10  /*
  20   * SVR01 service function
  30   */
  40  #include <stdio.h>
  50  #include <string.h>
  60  #include <dcrpc.h>
  70  #include <dcdam.h>
  80  #define DAMFILE "damfile0"
  90  #define DAM_BLK_SIZE 504
 100  #define REWRITE_LEN 19
 110  extern int damfd;
 130  void svr01(in_data,in_leng,out_data,out_leng)
 140    char   *in_data;
 150    DCLONG *in_leng;
 160    char   *out_data;
 170    DCLONG *out_leng;
 180  {
 190  /*
 200   * Define variables
 210   */
 220    static struct DC_DAMKEY keyptr;
 230    static char *damc_buf;
 240    static char dam_cntl_buf[DAM_BLK_SIZE];
 250    static char write_buf[DAM_BLK_SIZE];
 260    struct dam_cntl_p {
 270      int w_point;
 280      char rewrite_data[REWRITE_LEN];
 290    } *dam_cntl_p;
 300    int rc;
 310    int write_size;
 320    int rewrite_size;
 330    int damc_buf_size;
 350    keyptr.fstblkno = 0;
 360    keyptr.endblkno = 0;
 370    damc_buf_size = DAM_BLK_SIZE;
 380    printf("SVR01:Start of processing\n");
 390  /*
 400   * DAM_READ(read logical file blocks)
 410   */
 420    rc = dc_dam_read(damfd,&keyptr,1,dam_cntl_buf,
 430    damc_buf_size,DCDAM_MODIFY);
 440    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 450      printf("SVR01:dc_dam_read failed. CODE = %d \n",rc);
 460      strcpy(out_data,"SVR01:DAM READ FAILED");
 470      *out_leng = strlen(out_data);
 480      goto PROG_END;
 490    }
 500  /*
 510   * DAM_WRITE (write to logical file blocks)
 520   * DAM_REWRITE (update logical file blocks)
 530   */
 540    DAM_WRITE:
 550    dam_cntl_p = (struct dam_cntl_p *)dam_cntl_buf;
 560    write_size = DAM_BLK_SIZE;
 570    memcpy(write_buf,in_data,*in_leng);
 580    dam_cntl_p->w_point = dam_cntl_p->w_point + 1;
 590    keyptr.fstblkno = dam_cntl_p->w_point;
 600    keyptr.endblkno = 0;
 610    rc = dc_dam_write(damfd,&keyptr,1,write_buf,
 620    write_size,DCNOFLAGS);
 630    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 640      if(rc == DCDAMER_BNOER) {
 650        dam_cntl_p->w_point = 0;
 660        goto DAM_WRITE;
 670      }
 680      printf("SVR01:dc_dam_write failed. "
 685             "CODE = %d \n",rc);
 690      strcpy(out_data,"SVR01;DAM WRITE FAILED");
 700      *out_leng = strlen(out_data);
 710      goto PROG_END;
 720    }
 730    keyptr.fstblkno = 0;
 740    keyptr.endblkno = 0;
 750    damc_buf_size = DAM_BLK_SIZE;
 760    sprintf(dam_cntl_p->rewrite_data,
 765            "REWRITE COMPLETE\n");
 770    rc = dc_dam_rewrite(damfd,&keyptr,1,dam_cntl_buf,
 780    damc_buf_size,DCDAM_UPDATE);
 790    if(rc != DC_OK) {
 800      printf("SVR01:dc_dam_rewrite failed. "
 805             "CODE = %d\n",rc);
 810      strcpy(out_data,"SVR01:DAM REWRITE FAILED");
 820      *out_leng = strlen(out_data);
 830    }
 840    strcpy(out_data,"SVR01:PROCESS COMPLETE");
 850    *out_leng = strlen(out_data);
 860    PROG_END:
 870    printf("SVR01:Processing is terminated.\n");
 880    return;
 890  }