OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


dc_mcf_tlscom - Acquire the status of MCF communication services



#include <dcmcf.h>
int dc_mcf_tlscom (DCLONG action, char *resv01, DCLONG *infcnt,
dcmcf_svinf *inf, char *resv02)


#include <dcmcf.h>
int dc_mcf_tlscom (action, resv01, infcnt, inf, resv02)
DCLONG action;
char *resv01;
DCLONG *infcnt;
dcmcf_svinf *inf;
char *resv02;


The dc_mcf_tlscom() function acquires the statuses of the MCF communication services or application start services.

Arguments whose values are set in the UAP




Specify NULL.


Specify the number of dcmcf_svinf areas used to store the statuses of the MCF communication services or application start services.

When the processing is completed, the number of corresponding MCF communication services is returned.


Specify the dcmcf_svinf area used to store the statuses of the MCF communication services or application start services.

The size of this area must be at least the size of the dcmcf_svinf structure x infcnt.


Specify NULL.

Arguments whose values are returned from OpenTP1


Returns the number of application start services or MCF communication services that have been registered in the MCF service.


Returns the dcmcf_svinf structure that contains information about the application start services or MCF communication services registered in the MCF service.

The following shows the format of the structure:

typedef struct {
                DCLONG    mcfid;       ...MCF communication
                                          process identifier or
                                          Application start
                                          process identifier
                char      svname[9];   ...MCF communication
                                          service name
                char      resv01[7];   ...Reserved
                char      pnam[20];    ...Protocol type
                DCLONG    status;      ...Status of MCF
                                          communication service
                char      resv02[20];  ...Reserved
                } dcmcf_svinf;

Return values

Return value Return value (numeric) Explanation
DCMCFRTN_00000 0 Normal termination.
DCMCFRTN_71001 -12001 The dc_mcf_tlscom() function cannot be accepted because the MCF is under start processing.
DCMCFRTN_71004 -12004 A memory shortage occurred during dc_mcf_tlscom() function processing.
DCMCFRTN_71005 -12005 A communication error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
DCMCFRTN_71006 -12006 An internal error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
DCMCFRTN_72013 -13013 The number of MCF communication services or application start services exceeded the value specified in infcnt. Information about the excess services was discarded.
DCMCFRTN_72050 -13050 DCNOFLAGS is not set in action.
DCMCFRTN_72052 -13052 NULL is not set in resv01.
DCMCFRTN_72053 -13053 NULL is not set in resv02.
DCMCFRTN_72056 -13056 NULL is set in infcnt.
DCMCFRTN_72057 -13057 NULL is set in inf.
DCMCFRTN_72076 -13076 A value of 0 or smaller is set in infcnt.