OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


dc_mcf_tlscn - Acquire a connection status



#include <dcmcf.h>
int dc_mcf_tlscn (DCLONG action, dcmcf_tlscnopt *cnopt,
char *resv01, DCLONG *resv02,
char *resv03, DCLONG *infcnt,
dcmcf_cninf *inf, char *resv04)


#include <dcmcf.h>
int dc_mcf_tlscn (action, cnopt, resv01, resv02, resv03, infcnt,
inf, resv04)
DCLONG action;
dcmcf_tlscnopt *cnopt;
char *resv01;
DCLONG *resv02;
char *resv03;
DCLONG *infcnt;
dcmcf_cninf *inf;
char *resv04;


The dc_mcf_tlscn() function acquires the status of a connection.

Arguments whose values are set in the UAP


Specify in one of the following formats the method used to specify the connection whose status is to be acquired:


Specifies that a logical terminal name is specified for the connection whose status is to be acquired.
This argument is not supported by TP1/NET/NCSB or TP1/NET/X25-Extended.

Specifies that a connection ID is specified for the connection whose status is to be acquired.


Set in a dcmcf_tlscnopt structure the information about the connection that is to be the subject to this function's processing.

The following shows the format of the structure:

typedef struct {
                DCLONG    mcfid;        ...MCF communication
                                           process identifier
                char      resv01[4];    ...Reserved
                char      idnam[9];     ...Logical terminal name
                                           or connection ID
                char      resv02[7];    ...Reserved
                char      resv03[112];  ...Reserved
                char      resv04[376];  ...Reserved
                } dcmcf_tlscnopt;

resv01, resv02, resv03

Specify NULL.


Specify 1 as the number of dcmcf_cninf areas to be used to store connection status.

When the processing is completed, the number of corresponding connections is returned.


Specify the dcmcf_cninf area for storing the connection status.

The size of this area must be at least the size of the dcmcf_cninf structure x infcnt.


Specify NULL.

Arguments whose values are returned from OpenTP1


Returns the number of connections that were processed by this function.


Returns the dcmcf_cninf structure containing the information about the connection that was processed by this function.

The following shows the format of the structure:

typedef struct {
                char     idnam[9];      ...Connection ID
                char     resv01[7];     ...Reserved
                char     pnam[4];       ...Protocol type
                DCLONG   status;        ...Connection status
                char     resv02[40];    ...Reserved
                } dcmcf_cninf;

Return values

Return value Return value (numeric) Explanation
DCMCFRTN_00000 0 Normal termination.
DCMCFRTN_71001 -12001 The dc_mcf_tlscn() function cannot be accepted because the MCF is under start processing.
DCMCFRTN_71004 -12004 A memory shortage occurred during dc_mcf_tlscn() function processing.
DCMCFRTN_71005 -12005 A communication error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
DCMCFRTN_71006 -12006 An internal error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
DCMCFRTN_71007 -12007 The specified connection name has not been registered.
DCMCFRTN_71008 -12008 The specified logical terminal name has not been registered.
DCMCFRTN_71009 -12009 The dc_mcf_tlscn() function is not supported by the applicable MCF communication process.
DCMCFRTN_71010 -12010 Although the request to acquire the connection status was issued to the MCF communication process, the request was not accepted. For the cause, see the message log file.
DCMCFRTN_71011 -12011 The dc_mcf_tlscn() function cannot be accepted because the connection has been deleted.
DCMCFRTN_71014 -12014 The specified logical terminal name belongs to TP1/NET/NCSB or TP1/NET/X25-Extended; or, the specified connection group name belongs to TP1/NET/OSI-TP or TP1/NET/TCP/IP.
DCMCFRTN_72050 -13050 An unsupported flag is set in action.
DCMCFRTN_72051 -13051 NULL is set in cnopt.
DCMCFRTN_72052 -13052 NULL is not set in resv01.
DCMCFRTN_72053 -13053 NULL is not set in resv02.
DCMCFRTN_72054 -13054 NULL is not set in resv03.
DCMCFRTN_72055 -13055 NULL is not set in resv04.
DCMCFRTN_72056 -13056 NULL is set in infcnt.
DCMCFRTN_72057 -13057 NULL is set in inf.
DCMCFRTN_72060 -13060 DCMCFLE and DCMCFCN cannot be specified together in action.
DCMCFRTN_72061 -13061 A value smaller than 0 or a value 240 or greater is specified for mcfid in dcmcf_tlscnopt.
DCMCFRTN_72062 -13062 resv01 in dcmcf_tlscnopt is not filled with null characters.
DCMCFRTN_72063 -13063 idnam in dcmcf_tlscnopt begins with the null character.
DCMCFRTN_72064 -13064 resv02 in dcmcf_tlscnopt is not filled with null characters.
DCMCFRTN_72065 -13065 resv03 in dcmcf_tlscnopt is not filled with null characters.
DCMCFRTN_72067 -13067 resv04 in dcmcf_tlscnopt is not filled with null characters.
DCMCFRTN_72073 -13073 The character string set in idnam in dcmcf_tlscnopt is 9 or more bytes in length.
DCMCFRTN_72074 -13074 The character string set in idnam in dcmcf_tlscnopt contains an invalid character.
DCMCFRTN_72076 -13076 The value 1 is not set in infcnt.