OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


7.3.2 When the degree of parallelism for user servers is changed

When the degree of parallelism for user servers is changed, the specification of the parallel_count operand of the user service definition must also be changed.

The following table lists the definitions that must be reviewed when the degree of parallelism for user servers is changed and indicates under what conditions a review is required.

Table 7-4 Definitions that must be reviewed when the degree of parallelism for user servers is changed

Definition file name Definition Condition under which a review is required

  • betranrc
  • jnl
  • nam
  • prc
  • scd
  • trn
max_socket_descriptors The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
cltsrv cup_parallel_count The definition must be reviewed when an RPC is received via a permanent connection from TP1/Client/P or TP1/Client/W.
parallel_count The definition must be reviewed when a transactional RPC is received from TP1/Client/P or TP1/Client/W.
dam dam_cache_size The definition must be reviewed when a DAM file is accessed.
dam_cache_size_fix The definition must be reviewed when a DAM file is accessed.
dam_tran_process_count The definition must be reviewed when a DAM file is accessed.
env dynamic_shmpool_size The definition must be reviewed in the following cases:
  • When a DAM file, TP1/Message Queue, or an MCF queue file is accessed
  • When the number of UAPs that send or receive messages in the MCF communication process increases
static_shmpool_size The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
lck lck_limit_fordam The definition must be reviewed when a DAM file is accessed.
lck_limit_formqa The definition must be reviewed when a TP1/Message Queue file is accessed.
lck_limit_fortam The definition must be reviewed when a TAM file is accessed.
lck_limit_foruser The definition must be reviewed when the dc_lck_get function is used.
prc prc_process_count The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
scd scd_hold_recovery_count The definition must be reviewed when it is necessary to inherit the shutdown state of the user servers whose degree of parallelism is changed.
scdbufgrp The definition must be reviewed when a schedule buffer group is used.
scdmulti The definition must be reviewed when an RPC call is received via the multi-scheduler.
scdsvcdef -p The definition must be reviewed when the -p option is specified in the scdsvcdef definition command.
tam tam_max_trnnum The definition must be reviewed when a TAM file is accessed.
tim tim_watch_count The definition must be reviewed in the following cases:
  • When the service_expiration_time operand is applied to the user server
  • When the trn_completion_limit_time operand is applied to the user server
  • When the non-transaction MHP expiration time is applied to the user server
  • When the trn_expiration_time operand is applied to the user server
trn trn_max_subordinate_count The definition must be reviewed when transaction processing is performed.
trn_tran_process_count The definition must be reviewed when transaction processing is performed.

  • usrrc
  • User service definition
message_store_buflen When the added user server sends an RPC call to another user server, the message_store_buflen operand on the other user server must be reviewed.
User service definition max_socket_descriptors When the added user server sends an RPC call to another user server, the max_socket_descriptors operand on the other user server must be reviewed.
$DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf max_socket_descriptors The definition must be reviewed when the number of UAPs that request message transmission from the MCF communication process and the number of operation commands that issue processing requests increase concurrently.
MCF manager common definition mcfmcomn -p The definition must be reviewed when an MHP is added.
If the value must be increased, the amount of increase is added to the value of the static_shmpool_size operand in the system environment definition (env).

The following table lists the OpenTP1 files that must be reviewed when the degree of parallelism for user servers is changed and indicates under what conditions a review is required.

Table 7-5 OpenTP1 files that must be reviewed when the degree of parallelism for user servers is changed

OpenTP1 file Condition under which a review is required
System journal file The file must be reviewed in the following cases:
  • When transaction processing is performed
  • When statistics are acquired
Checkpoint dump file The file must be reviewed when transaction processing is performed.
XAR file The file must be reviewed when transaction processing is performed and the XA resource service facility is used.