OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


mcfmsvg (Service group attribute definition)


[{{mcfmsvg  -g "servgrpn=service-group-name"
           [-w  "[watchcnt=threshold-number-of-messages-in-the-input-queue]


This command defines the attributes of a service group.




servgrpn=service-group-name ~<1-to-31-character identifier>
Specify the name of a service group for which the input queue is checked for remaining messages.
You can specify the name of a service group that has been specified in the user service definition.



watchcnt=threshold-number-of-messages-in-the-input-queue ~<unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>>
Specify the number of messages in the input queue used as the threshold between the zone in which the number of remaining messages is monitored and the zone in which the processing capacity is checked.
If the number of messages remaining in the input queue is equal to or larger than the value of this operand, OpenTP1 starts checking the processing capacity at the interval specified in the watchint operand.
If you omit this operand or specify 0 for this operand, OpenTP1 does not monitor messages remaining in the input queue.

watchint=interval-at-which-the-input-queue-is-checked-for-remaining-messages ~<unsigned integer> ((5-3600)) <<10>> (units: seconds)
Specify the interval at which OpenTP1 checks the number of messages remaining in the input queue and the MHP processing capacity.
Specification of this operand has no effect if you specify 0 for this operand or if the watchcnt operand has been omitted.

expectcnt=number-of-service-requests-that-an-MHP-is-expected-to-process ~<unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
Specify the number of service requests that are expected to be processed before the next time the processing capacity of an MHP is checked.
If you omit this operand when the value of the watchcnt operand is 1 or larger, a definition error occurs. Specification of this operand has no effect when the watchcnt operand has been omitted or set to 0.
The value to be specified in this operand can be estimated from the following formula:
Number of service requests that an MHP is expected to process = (interval-at-which-the-input-queue-is-checked-for-remaining-messages) / (time-required-for-an-MHP-to-process-one-service-request) x usage-rate

abort=yes|no ~<<no>>
Specify whether you want the OpenTP1 system to go down if insufficient MHP processing capacity is detected.
Specification of this operand has no effect if the watchcnt operand has been omitted or set to 0.
If insufficient MHP processing capacity is detected, OpenTP1 outputs the KFCA11821-E message, and forcibly stops the MHP and the MCF manager process.
If insufficient MHP processing capacity is detected, OpenTP1 outputs the KFCA11820-W message, and continues processing.