OpenTP1 Version 7 Description


Appendix B. Library Functions and Commands

The library functions that can be used in OpenTP1 are listed below. For details about library functions related to the message queuing facility (TP1/Message Queue), see the TP1/Message Queue User's Guide.

Table B-1 OpenTP1 library functions

Library function name
C library COBOL-UAP creation program
Remote procedure call Starts a UAP dc_rpc_open CBLDCRPC('OPEN ')
Starts an SPP service dc_rpc_mainloop CBLDCRSV('MAINLOOP')
Requests a remote service dc_rpc_call CBLDCRPC('CALL ')
Invokes a remote service with a communication destination specified#1 dc_rpc_call_to None
Receives asynchronous processing results dc_rpc_poll_any_replies CBLDCRPC('POLLANYR')
Obtains the descriptor of an asynchronous-response RPC request where an error occurred dc_rpc_get_error_descriptor CBLDCRPC('GETERDES')
Stops receiving processing results dc_rpc_discard_further_replies CBLDCRPC('DISCARDF')
Refuses to receive the result of specific processing dc_rpc_discard_specific_reply CBLDCRPC('DISCARDS')
Retries a service function dc_rpc_service_retry CBLDCRPC('SVRETRY')
Assigns schedule priorities to requests for a service dc_rpc_set_service_prio CBLDCRPC('SETSVPRI')
References schedule priority of requests for a service dc_rpc_get_service_prio CBLDCRPC('GETSVPRI')
References response-wait time for a service dc_rpc_get_watch_time CBLDCRPC('GETWATCH')
Renews response-wait time for a service dc_rpc_set_watch_time CBLDCRPC('SETWATCH')
Obtains a node address of a client UAP dc_rpc_get_callers_address CBLDCRPC('GETCLADR')
Obtains a node address of a gateway dc_rpc_get_gateway_address CBLDCRPC('GETGWADR')
Sends data to a CUP dc_rpc_cltsend CBLDCRPC('CLTSEND ')
Terminates a UAP dc_rpc_close CBLDCRPC('CLOSE ')
Remote API facility Establishes a connection with a rap listener dc_rap_connect CBLDCRAP('CONNECT ')
Disconnects rap listeners dc_rap_disconnect CBLDCRAP('DISCNCT ')
Transaction Control Starts a transaction dc_trn_begin CBLDCTRN('BEGIN ')
Executes a chained commit operation dc_trn_chained_commit CBLDCTRN('C-COMMIT')
Executes a chained rollback operation dc_trn_chained_rollback CBLDCTRN('C-ROLL ')
Executes an unchained commit operation dc_trn_unchained_commit CBLDCTRN('U-COMMIT')
Executes an unchained rollback operation dc_trn_unchained_rollback CBLDCTRN('U-ROLL ')
Displays present transaction information dc_trn_info CBLDCTRN('INFO ')
System Management Executes a command dc_adm_call_command CBLDCADM('COMMAND ')
Reports completion of user-server startup dc_adm_complete CBLDCADM('COMPLETE')
Reports user server status dc_adm_status CBLDCADM('STATUS ')
Audit log output Outputs an audit log dc_log_audit_print CBLDCADT('PRINT ')
Message Log Management Outputs the message log dc_logprint CBLDCLOG('PRINT ')
Obtaining User Journal Obtains user journals dc_jnl_ujput CBLDCJNL('UJPUT ')
Journal data editing#2 Closes a jnlrput output file None CBLDCJUP('CLOSERPT')
Opens a jnlrput output file None CBLDCJUP('OPENRPT ')
Inputs journal data from a jnlrput output file None CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT')
Message control facility Opens an MCF environment dc_mcf_open CBLDCMCF('OPEN ')
Starts the MCF service dc_mcf_mainloop CBLDCMCF('MAINLOOP')
Receives messages dc_mcf_receive CBLDCMCF('RECEIVE ')
Sends a response message dc_mcf_reply CBLDCMCF('REPLY ')
Sends a message dc_mcf_send CBLDCMCF('SEND ')
Resends a message dc_mcf_resend CBLDCMCF('RESEND ')
Receives a synchronous message dc_mcf_recvsync CBLDCMCF('RECVSYNC')
Sends a synchronous message dc_mcf_sendsync CBLDCMCF('SENDSYNC')
Sends and receives synchronous messages dc_mcf_sendrecv CBLDCMCF('SENDRECV')
Receives temporary stored data dc_mcf_tempget CBLDCMCF('TEMPGET ')
Modifies temporary stored data dc_mcf_tempput CBLDCMCF('TEMPPUT ')
Stops continuous inquiry-response dc_mcf_contend CBLDCMCF('CONTEND ')
Starts an application program dc_mcf_execap CBLDCMCF('EXECAP ')
Reports the application information dc_mcf_ap_info CBLDCMCF('APINFO ')
Reports the application information to user exit routines dc_mcf_ap_info_uoc None
Sets user timer monitoring dc_mcf_timer_set CBLDCMCF('TIMERSET')
Cancels user timer monitoring dc_mcf_timer_cancel CBLDCMCF('TIMERCAN')
Executes a commit operation on an MHP dc_mcf_commit CBLDCMCF('COMMIT ')
Executes a rollback operation on an MHP dc_mcf_rollback CBLDCMCF('ROLLBACK')
Closes an MCF environment dc_mcf_close CBLDCMCF('CLOSE ')
Acquires the status of the MCF communication service dc_mcf_tlscom CBLDCMCF('TLSCOM ')
Acquires the connection status dc_mcf_tlscn CBLDCMCF('TLSCN ')
Establishes connection dc_mcf_tactcn CBLDCMCF('TACTCN ')
Releases connection dc_mcf_tdctcn CBLDCMCF('TDCTCN ')
Acquires the acceptance status for a server-type connection establishment request dc_mcf_tlsln CBLDCMCF('TLSLN ')
Starts accepting a server-type connection establishment request dc_mcf_tonln CBLDCMCF('TONLN ')
Stops accepting a server-type connection establishment request dc_mcf_tofln CBLDCMCF('TOFLN ')
Deletes application timer start requests dc_mcf_adltap CBLDCMCF('ADLTAP ')
Acquires the status of a logical terminal dc_mcf_tlsle CBLDCMCF('TLSLE ')
Shuts down a logical terminal dc_mcf_tdctle CBLDCMCF('TDCTLE ')
Releases a logical terminal from shutdown status dc_mcf_tactle CBLDCMCF('TACTLE ')
Deletes a logical terminal's output queue dc_mcf_tdlqle CBLDCMCF('TDLQLE ')
DAM File Service Opens a logical file dc_dam_open CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','OPEN')
Reads a logical file block dc_dam_read CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','READ')
Rewrites a logical file block dc_dam_rewrite CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','REWT')
Writes a logical file block dc_dam_write CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','WRIT')
Closes a logical file dc_dam_close CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','CLOS')
Shuts down a logical file dc_dam_hold CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','HOLD')
Releases a logical file shutdown dc_dam_release CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','RLES')
References logical file status dc_dam_status CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','STAT')
Starts the use of an unrecoverable DAM file dc_dam_start CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','STRT')
Terminates the use of an unrecoverable DAM file dc_dam_end CBLDCDAM('DCDAMSVC','END ')
Assigns a physical file dc_dam_create CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','CRAT')
Opens a physical file dc_dam_iopen CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','OPEN')
Reads a physical file block dc_dam_get CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','GET ')
Writes a physical file block dc_dam_put CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','PUT ')
Searches for a physical file block dc_dam_bseek CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','BSEK')
Directly inputs a block from a physical file dc_dam_dget CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','DGET')
Directly outputs a block to a physical file dc_dam_dput CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','DPUT')
Closes a physical file block dc_dam_iclose CBLDCDMB('DCDAMINT','CLOS')
TAM File Service Obtains TAM table status#1 dc_tam_open None
Reads a TAM table record dc_tam_read CBLDCTAM('FxxR')('FxxU')
Overwrites a TAM table record dc_tam_rewrite CBLDCTAM('MFY ')('MFYS')('STR ')
Modifies or adds a TAM table record dc_tam_write CBLDCTAM('MFY ')('MFYS')('STR ')
Deletes a TAM table record dc_tam_delete CBLDCTAM('ERS ')('ERSR')
Cancels reading a TAM table record#1 dc_tam_read_cancel None
Obtains TAM table status dc_tam_get_inf CBLDCTAM('GST ')
Obtains TAM table information dc_tam_status CBLDCTAM('INFO')
Closes a TAM table#1 dc_tam_close None
IST Service Opens an internode shared table dc_ist_open CBLDCIST('DCISTSVC','OPEN')
Inputs a record from the internode shared table dc_ist_read CBLDCIST('DCISTSVC','READ')
Inputs an internode shared table record dc_ist_write CBLDCIST('DCISTSVC','WRIT')
Deletes an internode shared table record dc_ist_close CBLDCIST('DCISTSVC','CLOS')
Resource Locking Locks resources dc_lck_get CBLDCLCK('GET ')
Releases all resource locks dc_lck_release_all CBLDCLCK('RELALL ')
Releases a specified resource lock dc_lck_release_byname CBLDCLCK('RELNAME ')
XATMI Interface Calls a request/response service and receives its response tpcall() TPCALL
Calls a request/response service tpacall() TPACALL
Receives asynchronous responses from a request/response service tpgetrply() TPGETRPLY
Cancels a request/response service tpcancel() TPCANCEL
Establishes a connection with a conversational service tpconnect() TPCONNECT
Disconnects conversational services tpdiscon() TPDISCON
Receives a message from conversational services tprecv() TPRECV
Sends a messages to conversational services tpsend() TPSEND
Allocates a typed buffer tpalloc() None#3
Releases a typed buffer tpfree() None#3
Changes a typed buffer size tprealloc() None#3
Obtains typed buffer information tptypes() None#3
Propagates a service name tpadvertise() TPADVERTISE
Cancels propagating a service name tpunadvertise() TPUNADVERTISE
A template for service functions tpservice() TPSVCSTART
Returns from a service function tpreturn() TPRETURN
TX interface Starts a transaction tx_begin() TXBEGIN
Executes a commit operation tx_commit() TXCOMMIT
Returns information about the present transaction tx_info() TXINFORM
Opens a resource managers group tx_open() TXOPEN
Executes a rollback operation tx_rollback() TXROLLBACK
Closes a resource managers group tx_close() TXCLOSE
Sets commit_return tx_set_commit_return() TXSETCOMMITRET
Sets transaction_control tx_set_transaction_control() TXSETTRANCTL
Sets transaction_timeout tx_set_transaction_timeout() TXSETTIMEOUT
Multinode Facility#1 Starts obtaining OpenTP1 node status dc_adm_get_nd_status_begin None
Obtains OpenTP1 node status dc_adm_get_nd_status_next None
Obtains specified OpenTP1 node status dc_adm_get_nd_status None
Stops obtaining OpenTP1 node status dc_adm_get_nd_status_done None
Starts obtaining a node identifier dc_adm_get_nodeconf_begin None
Obtains a node identifier dc_adm_get_nodeconf_next None
Stops obtaining a node identifier dc_adm_get_nodeconf_done None
Obtains the local node identifier dc_adm_get_node_id None
Starts obtaining user server status dc_adm_get_sv_status_begin None
Obtains user server status dc_adm_get_sv_status_next None
Obtains specified user server status dc_adm_get_sv_status None
Exits obtaining user server status dc_adm_get_sv_status_done None
Online Tester Control Reports user server test status dc_uto_test_status CBLDCUTO('T-STATUS')
Performance Verification Trace Acquires user-specific performance verification traces dc_prf_utrace_put CBLDCPRF('PRFPUT ')
Acquires the sequential number for an acquired performance verification trace dc_prf_get_trace_num CBLDCPRF('PRFGETN ')
Real-time statistics service Acquires real-time statistics on a specific section dc_rts_utrace_put CBLDCRTS('RTSPUT ')

Cannot be used in a program used for creating a COBOL UAP.

Journal data cannot be edited using an API written in C.

No COBOL API exists for the XATMI interface.

OpenTP1 commands are listed below. For details about commands related to the message queuing facility (TP1/Message Queue), see the TP1/Message Queue User's Guide.

Table B-2 OpenTP1 commands

Purpose Command name Access right
System management Registers or deletes OpenTP1 in the OS dcsetup Superuser
Redefines and restarts process service dcreset OpenTP1 administrator
Sets up the environment for OpenTP1 startup dcmakeup OpenTP1 administrator
Starts an OpenTP1 system dcstart OpenTP1 administrator
Terminates an OpenTP1 system
(Note: To execute the dcstop command from a UAP, execute the command in the background.)
dcstop OpenTP1 administrator#
Outputs system statistics dcstats OpenTP1 administrator
Starts nodes in a cluster system or parallel-processing system dcmstart OpenTP1 administrator
Stops nodes in a cluster system or parallel-processing system dcmstop OpenTP1 administrator
Executes an OpenTP1 command from a scenario template dcjcmdex OpenTP1 administrator
Specifies operands in the system definition dcjchconf OpenTP1 administrator
Updates the domain definition file dcjnamch OpenTP1 administrator
Displays OpenTP1 node status dcndls General user
Displays shared memory use dcshmls General user
Displays the execution status of temporary closing rpcstat General user
Redirects the standard output and standard error output of OpenTP1 prctee OpenTP1 administrator
Terminates and restarts the prctee process prctctrl Superuser
Acquires maintenance information dcrasget OpenTP1 administrator
Edits and outputs real-time system statistics to the standard output dcreport OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes troubleshooting information dccspool OpenTP1 administrator
Checks system definitions dcdefchk OpenTP1 administrator
Displays product information dcpplist OpenTP1 administrator
Server management Starts a server dcsvstart OpenTP1 administrator
Terminates a server dcsvstop OpenTP1 administrator
Displays server status prcls General user
Displays a search pathname for a user server and for a command invoked from the user server prcpathls General user
Modifies a search pathname for a user server and for a command invoked from the user server prcpath OpenTP1 administrator
Terminates OpenTP1 process forcibly prckill OpenTP1 administrator
Schedule management Displays schedule status scdls General user
Shuts down scheduling scdhold OpenTP1 administrator
Releases scheduling shutdown scdrles OpenTP1 administrator
Changes the number of processes scdchprc OpenTP1 administrator
Stops and restarts a process scdrsprc OpenTP1 administrator
Transaction management Displays transaction status trnls General user
Executes a commit operation on a transaction trncmt OpenTP1 administrator
Executes a rollback operation on a transaction trnrbk OpenTP1 administrator
Forcibly terminates a transaction trnfgt OpenTP1 administrator
Starts and stops obtaining transaction statistics trnstics OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes the undecided transaction information file trndlinf OpenTP1 administrator
Displays the undecided transaction information of OSI TP communication tptrnls General user
XA resource management Displays the XAR event trace information xarevtr General user
Displays the status of an XAR file xarfills General user
Changes the status of an XAR transaction xarforce OpenTP1 administrator
Shuts down the XAR resource service xarhold OpenTP1 administrator
Creates an XAR file xarinit OpenTP1 administrator
Displays the XAR transaction information xarls General user
Releases the XA resource service from the shutdown status xarrles OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes an XAR file xarrm OpenTP1 administrator
Lock management Displays lock information lckls General user
Displays pool information of tables used for locks lckpool General user
Deletes a deadlock information file and timeout information file lckrminf OpenTP1 administrator
Name management Checks the startup of OpenTP1 and deletes cache namalivechk OpenTP1 administrator
Registers or deletes the domain-alternate schedule service namdomainsetup Superuser
Checks the domain configuration (by using the system common definition) namndchg OpenTP1 administrator
Checks the domain configuration (by using the domain definition file) namchgfl OpenTP1 administrator
Forcibly invalidates the startup notification information namunavl OpenTP1 administrator
Displays OpenTP1 server information namsvinf OpenTP1 administrator
Operates the RPC control list namblad OpenTP1 administrator
Message log management Displays contents of message log logcat General user
Switches real-time output function of message log files logcon OpenTP1 administrator
Audit log management Sets the environment for audit logging dcauditsetup Superuser
OpenTP1 file management Initializes OpenTP1 file system filmkfs OpenTP1 administrator
Displays OpenTP1 file system status filstatfs General user
Displays contents of OpenTP1 file system fills General user
Backs up OpenTP1 file system filbkup OpenTP1 administrator
Recovers OpenTP1 file system filrstr OpenTP1 administrator
Changes OpenTP1 file group filchgrp OpenTP1 administrator
Changes access permission for an OpenTP1 file filchmod OpenTP1 administrator
Changes OpenTP1 file owner filchown OpenTP1 administrator
Status file management Creates and initializes a status file stsinit OpenTP1 administrator
Displays status file status stsls General user
Displays contents of a status file stsfills General user
Opens a status file stsopen OpenTP1 administrator
Closes a status file stsclose OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes a status file stsrm OpenTP1 administrator
Swaps status files stsswap OpenTP1 administrator
Journal file management Initializes journal files jnlinit OpenTP1 administrator
Displays journal file information jnlls General user
Displays journal information read during a restart jnlrinf OpenTP1 administrator
Opens journal files jnlopnfg OpenTP1 administrator
Closes journal files jnlclsfg OpenTP1 administrator
Allocates physical journal files jnladdpf OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes physical journal files jnldelpf OpenTP1 administrator
Swaps journal files jnlswpfg OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes journal files jnlrm OpenTP1 administrator
Modifies journal file status jnlchgfg OpenTP1 administrator
Unloads journal files jnlunlfg OpenTP1 administrator
Controls the automatic unloading facility jnlatunl OpenTP1 administrator
Recovers journal files jnlmkrf OpenTP1 administrator
Integrates journals used for file restoration jnlcolc OpenTP1 administrator
Copies an unloaded-journals file jnlcopy OpenTP1 administrator
Displays archive status jnlarls General user
Displays edited unloaded-journals files or global archive unloaded-journals files jnledit OpenTP1 administrator
Outputs unloaded-journals file records or global archive unloaded-journals file records jnlrput OpenTP1 administrator
Chronologically sorts and merges unloaded-journals files and global archive unloaded-journals files jnlsort OpenTP1 administrator
Outputs statistics on about operations jnlstts OpenTP1 administrator
Outputs statistics about MCF operations jnlmcst OpenTP1 administrator
Forcibly releases resource group connection jnlardis OpenTP1 administrator
DAM file management Initializes a physical file damload OpenTP1 administrator
Displays logical file status damls General user
Adds a logical file damadd OpenTP1 administrator
Separates a logical file from online processing damrm OpenTP1 administrator
Logically shuts down a logical file damhold OpenTP1 administrator
Releases logical file shutdown damrles OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes a physical file damdel OpenTP1 administrator
Backs up a physical file dambkup OpenTP1 administrator
Recovers a physical file damrstr OpenTP1 administrator
Recovers a logical file damfrc OpenTP1 administrator
Sets a threshold for the number of cache blocks damchdef OpenTP1 administrator
Acquires the number of cache blocks damchinf General user
TAM file management Initializes a TAM file tamcre OpenTP1 administrator
Displays TAM table status tamls General user
Adds a TAM table tamadd OpenTP1 administrator
Separates a TAM table from online processing tamrm OpenTP1 administrator
Logically shuts down a TAM table tamhold OpenTP1 administrator
Releases TAM table logical shutdown tamrles OpenTP1 administrator
Loads a TAM table tamload OpenTP1 administrator
Unloads a TAM table tamunload OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes a TAM file tamdel OpenTP1 administrator
Backs up a TAM file tambkup OpenTP1 administrator
Recovers a TAM file tamrstr OpenTP1 administrator
Recovers a TAM file tamfrc OpenTP1 administrator
Converts the TAM locked resource name tamlckls General user
Displays the synonym information for a hash-format TAM file and TAM table tamhsls OpenTP1 administrator
MCF Message queue file management Displays queue group status quels General user
Allocates an MCF message queue physical file queinit OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes an MCF message queue physical file querm OpenTP1 administrator
Resource manager management Displays resource manager information trnlsrm General user
Registers a resource manager trnlnkrm OpenTP1 administrator
Creates a transaction control object file trnmkobj OpenTP1 administrator
Trace management Outputs UAP trace uatdump General user
Merges RPC trace rpcmrg General user
Outputs RPC trace rpcdump General user
Outputs the shared memory dump usmdump OpenTP1 administrator
Remote API management Sets up the execution environment of the remote API facility rapsetup OpenTP1 administrator
Automatically creates definitions to be used for the remote API facility rapdfgen OpenTP1 administrator
Displays the status of a RAP-processing listener or a RAP-processing server rapls OpenTP1 administrator
Management of performance verification traces Edits and outputs prf trace information files prfed OpenTP1 administrator
Gets prf trace information files prfget OpenTP1 administrator
Real-time statistics service management Edits and outputs information in RTS log files rtsedit General user
Outputs real-time statistics to the standard output rtsls General user
Sets up the execution environment for the real-time statistics service rtssetup OpenTP1 administrator
Changes the settings for real-time statistics rtsstats OpenTP1 administrator
Connection management Displays connection status mcftlscn General user
Establishes a connection mcftactcn OpenTP1 administrator
Releases a connection mcftdctcn OpenTP1 administrator
Switches connections mcftchcn OpenTP1 administrator
Displays the network status mcftlsln General user
Starts accepting server-type connection establishment requests mcftonln OpenTP1 administrator
Stops accepting server-type connection establishment requests mcftofln OpenTP1 administrator
Displays the status of multi-processing of messages mcftlstrd OpenTP1 administrator
Application management Displays application status mcfalsap General user
Shuts down an application program mcfadctap OpenTP1 administrator
Releases application program shutdown mcfaactap OpenTP1 administrator
Resets the number for abnormal terminations mcfaclcap OpenTP1 administrator
Displays application timer start requests mcfalstap General user
Deletes a start request to the timer associated with an application program mcfadltap OpenTP1 administrator
Application program operation support Starts an application program mcfuevt General user
Logical terminal management Displays logical terminal status mcftlsle General user
Shuts down a logical terminal mcftdctle OpenTP1 administrator
Releases logical terminal shutdown mcftactle OpenTP1 administrator
Skips the first item in a logical terminal message queue mcftspqle OpenTP1 administrator
Holds messages in a logical terminal output queue mcfthldoq OpenTP1 administrator
Releases the hold on messages in an output queue mcftrlsoq OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes a logical terminal output queue mcftdlqle OpenTP1 administrator
Starts obtaining a logical-terminal message journal mcftactmj OpenTP1 administrator
Stops obtaining the logical-terminal message journal mcftdctmj OpenTP1 administrator
Forcibly terminates continuous inquiry-response processing for a logical terminal mcftendct OpenTP1 administrator
Starts a proxy terminal mcftstalt OpenTP1 administrator
Stops a proxy terminal mcftedalt OpenTP1 administrator
Service group management Displays service group status mcftlssg General user
Shuts down a service group mcftdctsg OpenTP1 administrator
Releases shutdown of a service group mcftactsg OpenTP1 administrator
Holds messages in an input queue for a service group mcfthldiq OpenTP1 administrator
Releases the hold on messages in an input queue mcftrlsiq OpenTP1 administrator
Deletes an input queue of a service group mcftdlqsg OpenTP1 administrator
Service management Displays service status mcftlssv General user
Shuts down a service mcftdctsv OpenTP1 administrator
Releases shutdown of a service mcftactsv OpenTP1 administrator
Session management Starts a session mcftactss OpenTP1 administrator
Exits a session mcftdctss OpenTP1 administrator
Buffer management Displays buffer group use mcftlsbuf General user
Mapping management Changes map file pathnames dcmapchg OpenTP1 administrator
Displays loaded-resources of map file dcmapls OpenTP1 administrator
MCF queue management Copies contents of input or output queues mcftdmpqu General user
MCF trace management Forcibly swaps MCF trace files mcftswptr OpenTP1 administrator
Starts acquiring MCF trace information mcftstrtr OpenTP1 administrator
Stops acquiring MCF trace information mcftstptr OpenTP1 administrator
MCF statistics management Edits MCF statistics mcfreport OpenTP1 administrator
Outputs MCF statistics mcfstats OpenTP1 administrator
MCF communication service management Partially stops the MCF communication service mcftstop OpenTP1 administrator
Partially starts the MCF communication service mcftstart OpenTP1 administrator
References the status of the MCF communication service mcftlscom OpenTP1 administrator
User timer management Displays the user timer monitoring status mcftlsutm General user

There are also commands specific to the particular protocol. For protocol-specific commands, see the applicable OpenTP1 Protocol manual.

When executing the dcstop command from a UAP, execute the command in the background.