OpenTP1 Version 7 Description


4.1.2 Creating an OpenTP1 file system

In general, to create the OpenTP1 file system, an OpenTP1 administrator:

  1. Uses the filmkfs command to create the OpenTP1 file system on a character special file or ordinary files.
  2. Uses the following commands to allocate physical files for each file type:
    Status file: stsinit command
    System journal file and checkpoint dump file: jnlinit command
    MCF message queue file: queinit command
    MQA message queue file: mqainit command
    DAM file: damload command
    TAM file: tamcre command
  3. Uses system service definitions to make the physical files, which are the actual files used for input or output, usable as an OpenTP1 file. For example, in the status service definition you can define which physical files make up the logical filegroup that is the OpenTP1 status file.

The following figure shows an example of the complete pathname of a physical file created in the OpenTP1 file system on a character special file.


Figure 4-3 shows an example of an OpenTP1 file system. In this example the OpenTP1 file system has separated the OpenTP1 system files from the user files. Separating the OpenTP1 file system into subsystems for system files and user files enhances system reliability and performance.

Figure 4-3 Separating the OpenTP1 file system into OpenTP1 files and user files on character special files
