
 Hitachi Application Server V10 定義リファレンスWindows®用)

7.2.1 -XX:+Hitachi




このオプションは、Javaプログラムを実行しません。また、Java EEサーバの起動オプションに指定した場合、Java EEサーバは起動されません。










    print GC log in detail
    output GC log separated by ","
    set interval for printing GC log
    add GC cause to GC log
    add date to GC log
    add CPU time spent by GC to GC log
    add tenuring age info. to GC log
    add JVM Internal Memory to GC log
    add thread count to GC log
    add memory size and called count by to GC log
    enable output asynchronous javalog
    set max memory size of JIT compiler
    continue JIT compilation when failure occurs
    set maximum number of threads
    print stack trace when OutOfMemoryError occurs
    print cause of OutOfMemoryError
    print requested allocation size when OutOfMemoryError occurs
    set stack trace line size
    abort when OutOfMemoryError occurs
    print thread dump before abort at OOM
    print Java heap profiling data before abort at OOM
    print java class library trace when specific API called
    set java class library trace line size
    use milliseconds precision timer for javalog
    output locals info. in Throwable#printStackTrace
    output locals info. in thread dump
    change output format of locals info. to simpler one
    add true type name to locals info
    specify range of locals targets to which apply toString method call
    print expand thread dump
    print expand thread dump to stdout
    add hashCode value for thread object to expand thread dump
    add CPU time spent by thread to expand thread dump
    add blocked count and waited count of thread to expand thread dump
    set log filename
    specify type of javalog rotation
    specify time of javalog rotation
    output header information in javalog
    set maximum size of log file
    set maximum number of log file
    cease to output log when file output error occurs
    use explicit memory
    set maximum size of explicit heap
    use explicit memory auto reclaim
    use explicit memory auto creation
    set explicit memory auto creation file
    maintain compatibility with version 08-00 specification of explicit 
memory instead of new features
    move Java objects to tenured area before new area in reclaim
    enable auto reclaiming of reference explicit memory
    set explicit memory log level
    set explicit memory log filename
    set maximum size of explicit memory log file
    set maximum number of explicit memory log file
    set full GC policy when using explicit memory
    use explicit memory exclude class
    set explicit memory exclude class list file
    set explicit memory not exclude class list file
    set ratio of auto reclaim target block
    print code cache information
    set tuning parameter of code cache monitoring threshold
    print message when code cache is full
    use utility for stand-alone programming in executing java command
    save JVM output to javalog