
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For UNIX® Systems)

7.12.8 -XX:HitachiExplicitHeapMaxSize

-XX:HitachiExplicitHeapMaxSize specifies the maximum size of the entire Explicit heap.


-XX:HitachiExplicitHeapMaxSize specifies the maximum size of the entire Explicit heap.

Prerequisite option
  • -XX:+HitachiUseExplicitMemory



Specifiable values


Type: Integer

Specify an integer (in bytes) in the following range.

For the 32-bit version of Java VM:

1 to 231- 1 (2147483647)

For the 64-bit version of Java VM:

1 to 263- 1 (9223372036854775807)

You can use the characters below when specifying this value (in bytes). Note that the specification of this value is not case sensitive.

  • k for kilo

  • m for mega

  • g for giga

  • t for tera

If the specified value is outside of the valid range, the following message is output to the standard output, and the Java VM terminates with the return code 1.

Invalid maximum explicit heap size:  -XX:HitachiExplicitHeapMaxSize=[specified_value]
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Default value

If the definition item is omitted:
