
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For UNIX® Systems)

3.9.58 /glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/jms-durable-subscription-name

/glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/jms-durable-subscription-name specifies the durable subscription associated with a message-driven bean.


/glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/jms-durable-subscription-name specifies the durable subscription associated with a message-driven bean class. This property applies only to the Java Message Service Topic Destination type, and is applied only when the message-driven bean DD subscription durability is Durable.

Specifiable values

Type: String

Default value

If the definition item is omitted

No default value

Repetition pattern

0 or 1 time