
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For UNIX® Systems)

3.3.2 /client-container/target-server

/client-container/target-server specifies the IIOP listener for the target server. Additionally, it specifies IIOP endpoints used for load balancing.


/client-container/target-server specifies the IIOP listener for the target server. Also specifies the IIOP endpoints used for load balancing. If the server instance on which the application client is deployed participates in a cluster, then the Java EE Server finds all the currently active IIOP endpoints in the cluster automatically.

However, a client must have at least two endpoints specified for bootstrapping purposes, in case one of the endpoints fails.

A listener or endpoint is in the form host:port, where the host is an IP address or host name, and the port specifies the port number.

Specifiable values

Type: String

Default value

If the definition item is omitted

No default value

Repetition pattern

1 or more times

Specifiable attributes

Attribute name


Specifiable values

Default value#


Repetition pattern


Specifies the name of the server instance accessed by the client container.

Type: String

No default value


Only one time


Specifies the host name or IP address (resolvable by DNS) of the server to which this client attaches.

Type: String

No default value


Only one time


Specifies the naming service port number of the server to which this client is attached.

For a new server instance, assign a port number other than 3700. You can change the port number in the Administration Console.

Type: Integer

0 to 65535

No default value


Only one time


N/A: Not applicable

#: This is the default value that is set when a definition item is excluded.