
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For UNIX® Systems)

2.3.62 HWSKeepStartServers

HWSKeepStartServers specifies whether to maintain the number of running server processes as specified in the StartServers directive.


HWSKeepStartServers specifies whether to maintain the number of running server processes as specified in the StartServers directive.


HWSKeepStartServers {On|Off}

Specifiable values


The number of running server processes is maintained as specified in the StartServers directive. New processes are created if the number of server processes is smaller than the value specified in the StartServers directive. This functionality is enabled only when the values of the each directive related to the number of processes meet the both conditions:

MinSpareServers < StartServers <= MaxRequestWorkers
MinSpareServers < MaxSpareServers <= MaxRequestWorkers

If the value of the StartServers directive is smaller than the value of the MinSpareServers directive, the number of server processes is maintained as specified in the MinSpareServers directive.


The number of server processes is not maintained as specified in the StartServers directive.

Default value

If the definition item is omitted:


Location where it can be written
