
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

8.2 exmemexcludeclass.cfg

exmemexcludeclass.cfg is the configuration file for specifying the classes of objects that are not to be moved to the Explicit heap. This configuration file is known as the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file.


exmemexcludeclass.cfg specifies the classes of objects that are not to be moved to the Explicit heap. Even if GC occurs, objects of the classes specified in this configuration file are not moved to the Explicit heap. The objects are moved to the Tenured area at the time of promotion.

The system provides an explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file. This configuration file (sysexmemexcludeclass.cfg) provided by the system is used if the functionality that excludes classes from the explicit memory management functionality is enabled. In addition to the classes specified in the configuration file provided by the system, if you want to add classes to be excluded from the explicit memory management functionality, update the configuration file that is stored in the file path below or create a new configuration file. If you create a new configuration file, specify the file path for the -XX:ExplicitMemoryExcludeClassListFile option.

The path of the configuration file that is provided by the system is as follows:


You can disable exclusion for the classes specified in this configuration file by using the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality. Specifications in the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality have priority over those in this configuration file.

The following explains the specification of each configuration file and the scope of the explicit memory management functionality, by using the package "com.sample" as an example. The package "com.sample" includes the following two classes: ClassA and ClassB. The following are specification examples of the configuration files.

Specification example of the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file
Specification example of the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality

The specification in the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file includes both ClassA and ClassB. However, because the specification in the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality has priority, as shown in the figure below, the explicit memory management functionality is applied to ClassB. Only ClassA is excluded from the explicit memory management functionality.



For types other than the array type:
For the array type:

For multidimensional arrays, specify [ the same number of times as the number of the dimensions. For example, for a three-dimensional array, specify [[[.

Example for a one-dimensional array of the class aaa.bbb.Myclass:


The following are the specification rules for this configuration file:

Storage location



This specification example assumes that the package name is "com.sample" and the class structure is configured as shown in the figure below.

Figure 8‒1: Class structure example


When fully qualified class names are used:

The following is a specification example of the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file when fully qualified class names are used.

In this example, the objects of ClassA, ClassC, and ClassD are to be moved to the Tenured area.

If the class names are omitted:

The following are specification examples of the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file and the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality, when class names are omitted.

Specification example of the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file
Specification example of the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality

In this example, according to the specification in the explicit memory management functionality exclusion configuration file, all classes (including the classes in the same package and those in sub-packages) are to be moved to the Tenured area. However, according to the specification in the configuration file that disables exclusions from the explicit memory management functionality, the objects of ClassB and ClassE are to be moved to Explicit memory blocks. As a result, the objects of ClassA, ClassC, and ClassD are moved to the Tenured area.

Regarding whether to specify fully-qualified class names or to omit class names, we recommend that you use the method that allows you to specify fewer items. The two specification examples above have the same results (the objects of ClassA, ClassC, and ClassD are moved to the Tenured area). In such cases, we recommend that you omit class names.