
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

4.1 List of system properties used in Java EE servers

The following tables provide an overview of all of the system properties used in Java EE servers.

System properties used in server instances

System property




Enabling multipleEnlistDelists

If multipleEnlistDelists is set to true in the transaction then for the same connection, multiple enlistments and delistments may occur.


Specifying port number of HTTP port or HTTPS port through which DAS connects to the instance

ASADMIN_LISTENER_PORT specifies the port number of the HTTP port or HTTPS port through which the DAS connects to the instance and manages it.


PRF identifier of PRF daemon of connection destination

Specify the PRF identifier of the PRF demon used with the performance analysis trace displayed of an application client.

4.2.4 com.sun.appserv.transaction.nofdsync

Disabling file synchronization of logs

Set the com.sun.appserv.transaction.nofdsync system property in JVM options to disable the file synchronization of logs.


Setting public address host sets the public address host.


Setting public address port sets the public address port.


Whether Java EE Server commits or revert non-XA transactions (such as JTA transactions) during server shutdown

When you shut down a Server instance, all the database connections are closed. If the Oracle JDBC driver-based database connection is closed in the middle of a non-XA transaction, then all the pending changes are committed. Other databases usually revert the pending changes when a connection is closed before the changes are explicitly committed.

4.2.8 com.sun.jts.dblogging.deletequery

Deleting stored transaction logs from database

com.sun.jts.dblogging.deletequery defines the SQL to be used by the transaction manager to delete the stored transaction logs from the database.

4.2.9 com.sun.jts.dblogging.insertquery

Storing transaction logs in database

com.sun.jts.dblogging.insertquery defines the SQL to be used by the transaction manager to store transaction logs in the database.

4.2.10 com.sun.jts.dblogging.selectquery

Retrieving stored transaction logs from database

com.sun.jts.dblogging.selectquery defines the SQL to be used by the transaction manager to retrieve the stored transaction logs from a database.

4.2.11 com.sun.jts.dblogging.selectservernamequery

Retrieving server name of stored transaction logs from database

com.sun.jts.dblogging.selectservernamequery defines the SQL to be used by the transaction manager while retrieving the server name of the stored transaction logs from a database.

4.2.12 com.sun.jts.dblogging.use.nontx.connection.for.add

Storing non-transactional connection log records in database

com.sun.jts.dblogging.use.nontx.connection.for.add stores the non-transactional connection logs in a database and uses the non-transactional connections for the INSERT statements.


Data binding provider for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) specifies the data binding provider for the JVM.


Enabling function that sends JAX-WS request or response to standard output on client side

Set the system property to true to enable the function that sends the JAX-WS request or response to the standard output on the client side.


Enabling function that sends JAX-WS request or response to standard output on server side

Set the system property to true to enable the function that sends the JAX-WS request or response to the standard output on the server side.


EclipseLink persistence provider which is required if security manager is enabled for Java Persistence API

If the security manager is enabled and uses the Java Persistence API by calling Persistence.createEMF(), then the EclipseLink persistence provider requires that you set this property to true.


Configuring external and GMS IP addresses while creating clustered instances

EXTERNAL-ADDR configures the external and GMS IP addresses while creating the clustered instances.

4.2.18 GMS-BIND-INTERFACE-ADDRESS-cluster-name

System property if instance is managed by GMS and resides on node that represents multihome hostt

Specify the GMS-BIND-INTERFACE-ADDRESS-cluster-name system property if the instance is managed by GMS and resides on a node that represents a multihome host.

4.2.19 GMS_LISTENER_PORT-cluster-name

Port number of port on which cluster listens for messages from GMS

GMS_LISTENER_PORT-cluster-name specifies the port number of the port on which the cluster listens for the messages from GMS.


Specifying port number of port that is used to listen to HTTP requests

The HTTP_LISTENER_PORT property specifies the port number of the port that is used to listen to the HTTP requests.


Specifying port number of port that is used to listen to HTTP requests

The HTTP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT property specifies the port number of the port that is used to listen to the HTTP requests.


Port number of port that is used in IIOP connections

The IIOP_LISTENER_PORT property specifies the port number of the port that is used in the IIOP connections.


Specifying port number of port that is used to secure IIOP connections

The IIOP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT property specifies the port number of the port that is used to secure the IIOP connections.


Specifying port number of port that is used to secure IIOP connections with client authentication

The IIOP_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_PORT property specifies the port number of the port that is used to secure the IIOP connections with client authentication.


Order in which the login modules (if more than one) must be used and conditions to use them

The configuration file specifies the order in which the login modules (if more than one) must be used and conditions to use them.


Location of the server.policy file specifies the location of the server.policy file.


Specifying port number of port that is used to connect to Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) debugger

The JAVA_DEBUGGER_PORT property specifies the port number of the port that is used to connect to the JPDA debugger.


Specifying port number of Java Message Service (JMS) provider

The JMS_PROVIDER_PORT property specifies the port number of the JMS provider.


Specifying port number on which Java Management Extensions (JMX) connector listens

The JMX_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_PORT property specifies the port number on which the JMX connector listens.

4.2.30 sun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval

Maximum interval for periodic GC

sun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval specifies the maximum interval for periodic GC. GC may occur periodically as remote objects are referenced. The unit is milliseconds. Note that sun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval must also be specified.

4.2.31 sun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval

Maximum interval for periodic GC

sun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval specifies the maximum interval for periodic GC. GC may occur periodically as remote objects are referenced. The unit is milliseconds. Note that sun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval must be specified.

4.2.32 TX-LOG-DIR

Setting transaction log directory to absolute path of shared file system directory

TX-LOG-DIR is used to set the transaction log directory to an absolute path of a shared file system directory. In this case, LOG-ROOT is ignored for transaction logs.

System properties used in application clients

System property



4.3.1 org.glassfish.appclient.acc.maxLoginRetries

Determining number of login retries allowed when Application Client Container (ACC) attempts to perform injection

org.glassfish.appclient.acc.maxLoginRetries determines the number of login retries that are allowed.