
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

3.13.32 /glassfish-web-app/idempotent-url-pattern

/glassfish-web-app/idempotent-url-pattern specifies a URL pattern for the idempotent requests.


/glassfish-web-app/idempotent-url-pattern specifies a URL pattern for the idempotent requests.

Repetition pattern

0 or more times

Specifiable attributes

Attribute name


Specifiable values

Default value#


Repetition pattern


The URL pattern must confirm the mappings specified in the Servlet specification.

Allowed url-pattern values are as per Servlet specification.

Type: String

Allowed patterns are as follows:

  1. A string that begins with a "/" character and ends with a "/*" suffix is used for path mapping.

  2. A string that begins with a "*." prefix is used as an extension mapping.

  3. A string that contains only the "/" character indicates the "default" servlet of the application. In this case the servlet path is the request URI minus the context path and the path info is null.

  4. All other strings are used for exact matches only.

No default value


Only one time


Specifies the number of times the load balancer retries an idempotent request. A value of -1 indicates infinite retries.

Type: Integer

-1 to 2147483647



0 or 1 time


N/A: Not applicable

#: This is the default value that is set when a definition item is excluded.