
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

3.13.1 /glassfish-web-app

/glassfish-web-app defines Java EE Server specific configurations for a web module.


/glassfish-web-app defines Java EE Server specific configurations for a web module. This is the root element, there can be only one glassfish-web-app element in a glassfish-web.xml file.

Repetition pattern

Only one time

Specifiable attributes

Attribute name


Specifiable values

Default value#


Repetition pattern


This attribute is used to bind the message security provider to use the application.

By defining the httpservlet-security-provider attribute in the DD file of the corresponding application by setting the value of the attribute to the provider name assigned to the message security provider.

For example, if you use MySAM when you create the message security provider the

entry will be httpservlet-security-provider="MySAM".

Type: String

No default value


0 or 1 time


N/A: Not applicable

#: This is the default value that is set when a definition item is excluded.