
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

3.9.25 /glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/service-ref/port-info

/glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/service-ref/port-info specifies information for a port within a web service reference.


/glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/service-ref/port-info specifies either a service-endpoint-interface or wsdl-port or both. If both are specified, then wsdl-port specifies the port that the container chooses for container-managed port selection. The same wsdl-port value must not appear in more than one port-info element within the same service-ref. If a service-endpoint-interface is using container-managed port selection, then its value must not appear in more than one port-info element within the same service-ref.

Repetition pattern

0 or more times