
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

3.9.14 /glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/resource-ref

/glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/resource-ref maps the absolute JNDI name to the resource-ref element in the corresponding standard DD.


/glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/resource-ref maps res-ref-name to the resource-ref entry in the corresponding standard DD. /glassfish-ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/ejb/resource-ref also tags the res-ref-name element to the absolute JNDI name of a resource.


The connections acquired from the JMS connection factories are not shareable in the current release of the Java EE Server. The res-sharing-scope element in the ejb-jar.xml file resource-ref element is ignored for the JMS connection factories. When the resource-ref element specifies the JMS connection factory for the Message Queue, the default-resource-principal (name/password) must exist in the Message Queue user repository.

Repetition pattern

0 or more times