
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

3.5.5 /glassfish-application/security-role-mapping

/glassfish-application/security-role-mapping maps a role in the corresponding Java EE XML file to a user or a group.


/glassfish-application/security-role-mapping maps roles to users or groups in the currently active realm.

The role mapping element maps a role, as specified in the EJB JAR DD role-name entries, to an environment-specific user or group.

If the role mapping element maps a role to a user, then it must be a concrete user which exists in the current realm. This user can log into the server using the current authentication method.

If it maps to a group, then the realm must support groups and the group must be a concrete group which exists in the current realm. There must be at least one user in that realm that belongs to that group, to be productive.

Repetition pattern

0 or more times