5.3.1 cprfed
The cprfed command edits and outputs performance analysis trace information.
cprfed [-h]|[-Dump|-CSV] [-Time start-time,end-time] [-ProcessID process-id[,process-id...]] [-TraceFile prf-trace-file-name[,prf-trace-file-name...] |-AllTraceFile] [-Compact] [-AscLen number-of-characters-displayed-in-ASCII]
Storage location
Application Server installation directory/common/PRF/bin/
This command inputs PRF trace information and edits and outputs performance analysis trace information.
If the PRF daemon is running, first execute the cprfflush command to write the trace information in the buffer, and then execute this command.
Execution permission
A user who has the following permission:
Either the same user for the processes that obtain PRF or the superuser
In an environment that uses the same PRFSPOOL environment variable, the superuser and other users coexist and the PRF commands cannot be executed. The PRF commands must always be executed by the same user.
Environment variable
Add Application Server installation directory/common/PRF/bin and /bin.
Specify Application Server installation directory/common/PRF/lib.
Specifies the execution environment directory of the performance tracer (PRF daemon).
The PRFSPOOL environment variable is set by the domain administration server when the domain administration server starts a JAVA EE server or a cluster. If a PRF association whose association source is the Java EE server exists, the PRFSPOOL environment variable is set in the following format based on the PRF name of the association destination:
Specifies the time zone.
- -h
Displays the command's usage.
- -Dump
Outputs detailed information in dump format.
- -CSV
Outputs detailed information in CSV format.
- -Time start-time,end-time
Specifies a start and end time when only the trace information acquired within the specified time period is to be output.
The start time and end time are each specified in the format hhmmss[MMdd[yyyy]]. MMdd and yyyy might be omitted; if omitted, the month and year in which the command is executed are assumed.
Time character string format: hhmmss[MMdd[yyyy]]
hh: Hour (00-23)
mm: Minute (00-59)
ss: Second (00-59)
MM: Month (01-12)
dd: Date (01-31)
yyyy: Year (1970-20xx)
The table below shows argument specification examples and the corresponding editing ranges when the command is executed on October 11, 2003.
Argument specification
Editing range
-Time 102345,
From 45 seconds past 10:23 on October 11, 2003, until the end of the trace file
-Time ,102345
From the start of the trace file until 45 seconds past 10:23 on October 11, 2003
-Time 102345,102350
From 45 seconds past 10:23 on October 11, 2003, until 50 seconds past 10:23 on October 11, 2003
-Time 1023451012,1023501013
From 45 seconds past 10:23 on October 12, 2003, until 50 seconds past 10:23 on October 13, 2003
-Time 10234510122002,10235010132002
From 45 seconds past 10:23 on October 12, 2002, until 50 seconds past 10:23 on October 13, 2002
- -ProcessID process-id
Specifies a process ID when information for only the specified process ID is to be output. Specify the process ID as a decimal number.
- -TraceFile prf-trace-file-name
Specifies a PRF trace file. A maximum of 256 trace files can be specified. This option cannot be specified together with the -AllTraceFile option.
Each PRF trace file is created automatically in the PRF trace file output destination directory. The file name of a PRF trace file is prf_???, where ??? is an integer between 001 and the maximum number of trace file sectors.
PRF trace file output destination directory:
When specifying prf-trace-file-name, either you must specify an absolute path, or you must set the PRF trace file output destination directory as the current directory and specify a file name only.
- -AllTraceFile
Loads all files under the current directory as input files. This option cannot be specified together with the -TraceFile option. Edit only 256 files if the current directory has more than 256 files. If the results of the cprfed command are redirected to the current directory, the redirected files are also counted as input files.
- -Compact
Sets the character string length to 0 for the trace output of the following items:
Client AP IP, Client AP PID, Client AP CommNo., OPT, and ASCII
This option must be specified together with the -CVS option. If the -CVS option is not specified, this option is ignored.
- -AscLen number-of-characters-displayed-in-ASCII
Specifies the maximum number of output characters for the ASCII output item in the dump information. If omitted, the character string length is set to 0.
The contents of the ASCII output item is always enclosed in double quotations. If a value 1 is specified, double quotation marks are added, and three characters are output. However, if the ASCII output item does not contain output information, the character string length will be 0.
This option must be used together with the -Compact option. If the -Compact option is not specified, this option is ignored and all information of the ASCII output item is displayed.
You can specify the following values:
0 to 512
Default value: 0
The table below shows the combinations of command options that can be specified.
Command option |
-h |
-Dump |
-CSV |
-Time |
-ProcessID |
-TraceFile |
-AllTraceFile |
-Compact |
-Dump |
#-h |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-CSV |
#-h |
#-CSV |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-Time |
#-h |
Y |
Y |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-ProcessID |
#-h |
Y |
Y |
Y |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-TraceFile |
#-h |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-AllTraceFile |
#-h |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
-- |
-- |
-Compact |
#-h |
#-Dump |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
-- |
-AscLen |
#-h |
#-Dump |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
- Legend:
Y: Can be specified simultaneously
#: Valid with the option whose name follows the #
N: Cannot be specified simultaneously
--: Not applicable
Exit Status
Exit Status |
Explanation |
0 |
Normal termination occurred. |
Other than 0 |
An error occurred during command processing. Take the corrective action indicated in the output message, and then re-execute the command. The error message is output to the standard error output and a log file. |
Output format
Output format 1 (dump format)
PRF: aaaaaa Process: bbbbbbbbbb Thread: cccccccccc(CC..CC) Trace: dddddddddd ProcessName: vv..vv Event: eeeee Time: ffff/gg/hh ii:jj:kk lll/mmm/nnn Rc: oo..oo ClientAP:pp..pp qq..qq - rr..rr RootAP: ss..ss tt..tt - uu..uu INT: XX..XX OPR: YY..YY Offset +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +a +b +c +d +e +f 0123456789abcdef AAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA : AAAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Output format 2 (CSV format)
PRF,Process,Thread(hashcode),Trace,ProcessName,Event,Date,Time,Time(msec/usec/nsec),Rc,ClientAP IP,ClientAP PID, ClientAP CommNo.,RootAP IP,RootAP PID,RootAP CommNo.,INT,OPR,OPT,ASCII aaaaaa,bbbbbbbbbb,cccccccccc(CC..CC),dddddddddd,vv.vv,eeeee,ffff/gg/hh,ii:jj:kk,lll/mmm/nnn,oo..oo,pp..pp,qq..qq,rr..rr,ss..ss,tt..tt,uu..uu,XX..XX,YY..YY,AA..AA,BB..BB
- Legend:
Record status (up to 6 characters):
Rec: Record status is normal
ErrRec: Record status is abnormal
Process ID of the process from which trace information was collected (up to 10 decimal digits)
Thread ID of the thread in the process from which trace information was collected (up to 18 hexadecimal digits)
Trace serial number in the thread (up to 10 decimal digits)
Event ID (6 hexadecimal digits (including the leading 0x))
Time at which the trace was collected (year)
Time at which the trace was collected (month)
Time at which the trace was collected (date)
Time at which the trace was collected (hour)
Time at which the trace was collected (minute)
Time at which the trace was collected (second)
Time at which the trace was collected (millisecond)
Time at which the trace was collected (microsecond)
Time at which the trace was collected (nanosecond)
Return code (10 hexadecimal digits (including the leading 0x))
Client application IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format)
Client application process ID (up to 10 decimal digits)
Client communication number (18 digits (including the leading 0x))
Root application IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format)
Root application process ID (up to 10 decimal digits)
Root communication number (18 digits (including the leading 0x))
Process name (up to 32 characters)
Interface name (up to 33 characters)#
Operation name (up to 33 characters)#
Outputs the information acquired in each event, in the dump format (maximum 514 characters).
The dump format information is output enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").
Outputs the information acquired in each event, as ASCII characters (maximum 514 characters).
ASCII characters in the dump format are output enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").
A code (control code) that cannot be displayed as an ASCII character is output as a period (.). A double quotation mark (") is output as two ASCII characters ("").
The hash value of a thread (up to 18 hexadecimal digits)
- #
If the interface name or operation name exceeds 32 characters, the name is edited as the following and output in 33 characters:
Output examples
If cprfed -TraceFile prf_001 is executed:
PRF: Rec Process: 26006 Thread: 0x15(0x12345678) Trace: 1023 ProcessName: tscd Event: 0x1002 Time: 2000/02/12 13:43:44 363/200/000 Rc: 0 ClientAP: 26303 - 00000000000003ff RootAP: 26006 - 00000000000003ff INT : testint OPR: test5
If cprfed -Dump -TraceFile prf_001 is executed:
PRF: Rec Process: 26006 Thread: 0x15(0x12345678) Trace: 1023 ProcessName: tscd Event: 0x1002 Time: 2000/02/12 13:43:44 363/200/000 Rc: 0 ClientAP: 26303 - 00000000000003ff RootAP: 26006 - 00000000000003ff INT : testint OPR: test5 Offset +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +a +b +c +d +e +f 0123456789abcdef +0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ +0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ +0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ +0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ............
If cprfed -CSV -TraceFile prf_001 is executed:
PRF,Process,Thread(hashcode),Trace,ProcessName,Event,Date,Time,Time(msec/usec/nsec),Rc,ClientAP IP,ClientAP PID,ClientAP CommNo.,RootAP IP,RootAP PID,RootAP CommNo.,INT,OPR,OPT,ASCII Rec,1800,0x2e00(0x0e9576fd),1,Client,0x1009,2003/10/12,16:26:52,734/000/000,****,,1800,0x0000000000000001,,1800,0x0000000000000001,ABC,****,abcdefg,"31323334"
In the performance analysis trace, the exclusion control is not performed during the PRF trace output, so that the bottlenecks do not occur because of the exclusion during high load. Therefore, some of the trace information might not be output properly.
If a character other than an ASCII character is included in a file edited to CSV format, use an editor that supports Unicode, or Excel 2003 or later, to reference the file.