
Hitachi Application Server V10 Command Reference Guide (For UNIX® Systems)

3.2.3 httpsdctl

The httpsdctl command starts, restarts, or stops the Web server.


httpsdctl {start|stop|restart|graceful|gracefulstop|configtest|help}

Storage location

Application Server installation directory/httpsd/sbin


Starts, restarts, or stops the Web server.

Execution permission

Superuser or general user


The PRF daemon needs to be running.

Environment variable


httpsd.conf file



This option starts Web server. If you are using an encrypted private key for SSL, a request to enter the private key password is displayed when starting Web server.


This option stops Web server.


This option restarts Web server (server restart). End the running server processes immediately. After all the server processes end, restart Web server. When you restart Web server, the change in the value specified in the MaxRequestWorkers directive is not applied, and the value that is set earlier will continue to be used. If you changed the value specified in the Listen directive and the settings for the private key used in SSL communication (that is, the SSLCertificateKeyFile directive), stop and restart Web server.


Restart Web server. End the running server processes, and then stop the server. Start the server process with a new configuration file when required. When you restart Web server, the change in the value that is specified in the MaxRequestWorkers directive is not applied, and the value that is set earlier will continue to be used. If you changed the value specified in the Listen directive and the settings for the private key used in SSL communication (that is, the SSLCertificateKeyFile directive), stop and restart Web server.


This option stops Web server. End the running server processes, and then stop the server. If you do not end the running processes, the processes will end when the waiting time specified in the HWSGracefulStopTimeout directive ends.


This option checks the configuration file syntax. If there is a syntax error, an error message is displayed on the screen. If you specify the configtest option, Web server will not start.


This option displays the httpsdctl help.


The following example starts Web server. If you are using an encrypted private key, enter the password.

/opt/hitachi/APServer/httpsd/sbin/httpsdctl start
Enter PEM pass phrase:

How to confirm the start

To confirm the start of Web server, check the control process. The process name (execution program name) is httpsd.

In addition, after starting Web server, confirm that the AH00163 message was output to the error log.
