2.24.2 create-managed-executor-service
Creates a managed executor service resource.
asadmin [asadmin-options] create-managed-executor-service [--help] [--enabled={false|true}] [--contextinfoenabled={false|true}] [--contextinfo={Classloader|JNDI|Security|WorkArea}] [--threadpriority threadpriority] [--longrunningtasks={false|true}] [--hungafterseconds hungafterseconds] [--corepoolsize corepoolsize] [--maximumpoolsize maximumpoolsize] [--keepaliveseconds keepaliveseconds] [--threadlifetimeseconds threadlifetimeseconds] [--taskqueuecapacity taskqueuecapacity] [--target target] jndi_name
Storage location
Application Server installation directory/javaee/glassfish/bin
The create-managed-executor-service subcommand creates a managed executor service resource. This command is supported in remote mode only.
DAS has to be in a running state.
- --help | -?
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
- --enabled={false|true}
Determines whether the resource is enabled at runtime.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: true
- --contextinfoenabled={false|true}
Determines whether container contexts are propagated to threads.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: true
- --contextinfo={Classloader|JNDI|Security|WorkArea}
Specifies whether individual container contexts to propagate to threads.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Default value: Classloader, JNDI, Security, and WorkArea
- --threadpriority threadpriority
Specifies the priority to assign to the created threads.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
1 to 10
Default value: 5
- --longrunningtasks={false|true}
Specifies whether the resource should be used for long-running tasks.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: false
- --hungafterseconds hungafterseconds
Specifies the number of seconds that a task can execute before it is considered unresponsive.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647.
Default value: 0
- --corepoolsize corepoolsize
Specifies the number of threads to keep in a thread pool, even if they are idle.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647.
Default value: 0
- --maximumpoolsize maximumpoolsize
Specifies the maximum number of threads that a thread pool can contain.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 2147483647
- --keepaliveseconds keepaliveseconds
Specifies the number of seconds that threads can remain idle when the number of threads is greater than corepoolsize.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 60
- --threadlifetimeseconds threadlifetimeseconds
Specifies the number of seconds that threads can remain in a thread pool before being purged, regardless of whether the number of threads is greater than corepoolsize or whether the threads are idle.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 0
- --taskqueuecapacity taskqueuecapacity
Specifies the number of submitted tasks that can be stored in the task queue awaiting execution.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 2147483647
- --target target
Specifies the target for which you are creating the resource.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Creates the resource for the default server instance. This is the default value.
Creates the resource for the domain.
Creates the resource for every server instance in the specified cluster.
Creates the resource for the specified server instance.
Default value: servers
- jndi_name
Specifies the JNDI name of this resource.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Specify the JNDI name
Default value: N/A
The following example creates a managed executor service on the server instance instance1.
asadmin create-managed-executor-service --target instance1 concurrent/myExecutor
Exit Status
Exit Status |
Explanation |
0 |
command executed successfully. |
1 |
error in executing the command. |