2.16.1 create-jdbc-connection-pool
Registers a JDBC connection pool.
asadmin [asadmin-options] create-jdbc-connection-pool [--help] [--datasourceclassname=datasourceclassname] [--restype=resourcetype] [--steadypoolsize=poolsize] [--maxpoolsize=maxpoolsize] [--maxwait=maxwaittime] [--poolresize=poolresizelimit] [--idletimeout=idletimeout] [--isolationlevel=isolationlevel] [--isisolationguaranteed={true|false}] [--isconnectvalidatereq={false|true}] [--validationmethod=validationmethod] [--validationtable=validationtable] [--nontransactionalconnections={false|true}] [--validateatmostonceperiod=validationinterval] [--leaktimeout=leaktimeout] [--leakreclaim={false|true}] [--creationretryattempts=creationretryattempts] [--creationretryinterval=creationretryinterval] [--statementtimeout=statementtimeout] [--lazyconnectionenlistment={false|true}] [--lazyconnectionassociation={false|true}] [--driverclassname=jdbcdriverclassname] [--matchconnections={false|true}] [--maxconnectionusagecount=maxconnectionusagecount] [--ping={false|true}] [--pooling={false|true}] [--statementcachesize=statementcachesize] [--validationclassname=validationclassname] [--description description] [--property name=value[:name=value]...] connectionpoolid
Storage location
Application Server installation directory/javaee/glassfish/bin
The create-jdbc-connection-pool subcommand registers a new Java Database Connectivity ("JDBC") software connection pool with the specified JDBC connection pool name.
A JDBC connection pool with authentication can be created by doing the following:
Using a --property option to specify a user, password, or other connection information
Specifying the connection information in the XML descriptor file.
Specify the following options depending on the database you want to connect to:
Specify the following options to connect to Oracle:
Refer to #1.
Refer to #2.
Refer to #1.
Refer to #2.
Refer to #3.
Refer to #3.
Oracle SID
Refer to #4.
Refer to #4.
Refer to #4.
Refer to #4.
jdbc:oracle:thin:@Oracle-host-name-or-IP-address:port-number:Oracle SID
Refer to #4.
- #1:
Specify this option if the XA transactions must not be used.
- #2:
Specify this option if the XA transactions must be used.
- #3:
Specify this option only when the connection errors must be detected.
- #4:
Specify the four properties (databaseName, serverName, portNumber, and driverType) or url. If you specify both, url takes effect but the other four properties are ignored.
This command is supported in remote mode only.
Domain Administration Server (DAS) is running.
Specify the connection information in the XML descriptor when not using the --property option to create a jdbc connection pool.
- --help | -?
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
- --datasourceclassname=datasourceclassname
Specifies the name of the vendor-supplied JDBC datasource resource manager. Any XA or global transactions capable datasource class will implement the javax.sql.XADatasource interface.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Specify the datasource class name
Default value: N/A
- --restype=resourcetype
Indicates when a datasource class implements two or more interfaces (javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.XADataSource, or javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource) or when a driver classname must be provided.
If --restype = java.sql.Driver, then the --driverclassname option is required.
If --restype = javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.XADataSource, or javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, then the --datasourceclassname option is required.
If --restype is not specified, then either the --driverclassname or --datasourceclassname option must be specified, but not both.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Default value: N/A
- --steadypoolsize=poolsize
Specifies the minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 24
The default value of the steady-pool-size attribute of the connector-connection-pool element of the glassfish-resources.xml file is same as the default value of this option.
- --maxpoolsize=maxpoolsize
Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be created.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
1 to 2147483647
Default value: 24
The default value of the max-pool-size attribute of the connection-pool element is same as the default value of this option.
- --maxwait=maxwaittime
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a caller has to wait for before a connection timeout is sent.
A value of 0 forces the caller to wait indefinitely.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 60000
- --poolresize=poolresizelimit
Specifies the number of connections to be removed when idle-timeout-in-seconds timer expires.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
1 to 2147483647
Default value: 2
- --idletimeout=idletimeout
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a connection can remain idle in the pool.
This timeout value must be shorter than the database server side timeout value to prevent the accumulation of unusable connections in the application.
If 0 is specified, then this option is disabled.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 300
- --isolationlevel=isolationlevel
Specifies the transaction-isolation-level that can be set on the pooled database connections.
Applications that change the isolation level on a pooled connection programmatically risk polluting the pool. This could lead to program errors.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Default value: Isolation level set by JDBC driver provider
- --isisolationguaranteed={true|false}
Applies only when a specific isolation level is specified for the transaction-isolation-level.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: true
- --isconnectvalidatereq={false|true}
Validates or checks the connections to see if they are usable before being given out to the application, if set to true.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: false
- --validationmethod=validationmethod
Specifies the type of validation to be performed when the --isconnectvalidatereq option is true.
If auto-commit is specified: Executes Connection#setAutoCommit(Connection#getAutoCommit()).
If meta-data is specified: Executes Connection#getMetaData().
If table is specified: Execute the SELECT sentence to the table specified by the --validationtable option.
If custom-validation is specified: Execute the user-defined class specified by the --validationclassname option.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Default value: table
- --validationtable=validationtable
Specifies the name of the validation table used to perform a query to validate a connection.
If the --isconnectvalidatereq option is set to true and the --validationmethod set to table, it is mandatory to set this option.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Specify the validation table name
Default value: N/A
- --nontransactionalconnections={false|true}
Returns non-transactional connections when a pool with this property is set to true. This connection does not get enlisted automatically with the transaction manager.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: false
- --validateatmostonceperiod=validationinterval
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between successive requests to validate a connection at most once. Setting this attribute to an appropriate value minimizes the number of validation requests by a connection.
If 0 is specified, then the connection is always validated.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 0
- --leaktimeout=leaktimeout
Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, for which connection leaks in a connection pool are to be traced. When a connection is not returned to the pool by the application within the specified period, it is assumed to be a potential leak, and the stack trace of the caller will be logged. This option only detects if there is a connection leak. The connection can be reclaimed only if --leakreclaim option is set to true.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 0
- --leakreclaim={false|true}
Specifies whether leaked connections are restored to the connection pool after leak connection tracing is complete.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Leaked connections are not restored to the connection pool. This is the default value.
Leaked connections are restored to the connection pool.
Default value: false
- --creationretryattempts=creationretryattempts
Specifies the maximum number of times that Java EE Server tries to re-create a connection if the initial attempt fails.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 0
- --creationretryinterval=creationretryinterval
Specifies the interval, in seconds, between successive attempts to create a connection.
If --creationretryattempts is 0, the --creationretryinterval option is ignored.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 10
- --statementtimeout=satementleaktimeout
Specifies the length of time, in seconds, after which a query that is not completed is terminated.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
-1 to 2147483647
Default value: -1
- --lazyconnectionenlistment={false|true}
Specifies whether a resource to a transaction is enlisted only when a method actually uses the resource.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Resources to a transaction are always enlisted and not only when a method actually uses the resource. This is the default value.
Resources to a transaction are enlisted only when a method actually uses the resource.
Default value: false
- --lazyconnectionassociation={false|true}
Specifies that a physical connection should be associated with the logical connection only when the physical connection is used, and disassociated when the transaction is completed. Such association and dissociation enable the reuse of physical connections.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
A physical connection is associated with the logical connection even before the physical connection is used, and is not disassociated when the transaction is completed. This is the default value.
A physical connection is associated with the logical connection only when the physical connection is used, and disassociated when the transaction is completed. The --lazyconnectionenlistment option must also be set to true.
Default value: false
- --driverclassname=jdbcdriverclassname
Specifies the name of the vendor-supplied JDBC driver class. This driver should implement the java.sql.Driver interface.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Java class implementing java.sql.Driver interface
Default value: N/A
- --matchconnections={false|true}
Specifies whether a connection that is selected from the pool should be matched by the resource adaptor.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
A connection must not be matched by the resource adaptor. This is the default value.
A connection must be matched by the resource adaptor. If all the connections in the pool are homogenous, a connection picked from the pool need not be matched by the resource adapter. This means that this option can be set to false.
Default value: false
- --maxconnectionusagecount=maxconnectionusagecount
Specifies the maximum number of times that a connection can be reused. When this limit is reached, the connection is closed. By limiting the maximum number of times that a connection can be reused, statement leaks can be avoided.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 0
- --ping={false|true}
Specifies if the pool is pinged during pool creation or reconfiguration to identify and warn of any erroneous values for its attributes.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: false
- --pooling={false|true}
Specifies if connection pooling is enabled for a pool.
Type: Boolean
The following values can be specified:
Default value: true
- --statementcachesize=statementcachesize
Specifies the number of SQL statements to be cached using the default caching mechanism.
Type: Integer
The following values can be specified:
0 to 2147483647
Default value: 0
- --validationclassname=validationclassname
Specifies the name of the class that provides custom validation when the value of --validationmethod is custom-validation. This class must implement the org.glassfish.api.jdbc.ConnectionValidation interface, and it must be accessible to Java EE Server.
This option is mandatory if the connection validation type is set to custom validation.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Implementers of org.glassfish.api.jdbc.ConnectionValidation interface
Default value: N/A
- --description description
Specifies the text providing details about the specified JDBC connection pool.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Specify the description in text
Default value: N/A
- --property name=value[:name=value]...
Specifies the optional attribute name/value pairs for configuring the pool. The specification format is name=value. Use a colon (:) to separate property names. If you specify the same property name more than once, the property value specified last is valid.
For this option, you can specify the DataSource property supported by the JDBC driver, and a property that is mentioned below. For details on properties that can be specified, see the documentation for the database that you are using.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Specifies the user name required to connect to the database.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies the password required to connect to the database.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies the database for this connection pool.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies the database server for this connection pool.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies the port on which the database server listens for requests.
Type: Integer
Default value: N/A
Range Value: 1 to 65535
Specifies the communication protocol.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies the initial SQL role name.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies an underlying XADataSource or a connectionPoolDataSource if the connection pooling is complete.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies a text description.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Specifies the URL for this connection pool. Although this is not a standard property, it is commonly used.
Type: String
Default value: N/A
Range Value: N/A
Used to enable dynamic reconfiguration of the connection pool, transparently to the applications that are using the pool, so that applications need not be re-enabled for the attribute or property changes to the pool to take effect. Any in-flight transaction's connection requests will be allowed to complete with the old pool configuration as long as the connection requests are within the timeout period, so as to complete the transaction. New connection requests will wait for the pool reconfiguration to complete and connections will be acquired using the modified pool configuration.
Type: Long
Default value: 0
Range Value: x to y (Where x*1000 is >= -9223372036854775808 and y*1000 is <= 9223372036854775807)
Default value: N/A
- connectionpoolid
Specifies the name of the JDBC connection pool to be created.
Type: String
The following values can be specified:
Specify the connection pool ID
Default value: N/A
The following example creates a jdbc connection pool.
asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource --restype javax.sql.XADataSource --property portNumber=1527:password=APP:user=APP:serverName= localhost:databaseName=sun-appserv-samples:connectionAttributes=\; create\\=true sample_derby_pool
Exit Status
Exit Status |
Explanation |
0 |
command executed successfully. |
1 |
error in executing the command. |