
Hitachi Application Server V10 Command Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.1 List of commands to be used in the Java EE server

The following table shows a list of commands to be used in the Java EE server.

Commands used in the Java EE server

Command Name




Launches the Application Client Container and invokes the client application

Launches the Application Client Container and invokes the client application typically packaged in the application JAR file.


Performs administrative tasks

Performs administrative tasks for Java EE Server.

imqcmd list dst

Lists physical and temporary destinations

Lists all physical and temporary destinations of the specified type.


Allows you to precompile JSP files

Allows you to precompile JSP files at the command line.


Contains the schema generator

Performs the schema generator process for either the Java source files or class files.


Generates stubs, ties, serializers, and WSDL files used in JAX-RPC clients and services

Generates stubs, ties, serializers, and WSDL files used in JAX-RPC clients and services.


Generates a deployable WAR file for a service

Generates a deployable WAR file for a service.


Generates the JAX-WS portable artifacts used in the JAX-WS web services

Generates the JAX-WS portable artifacts used in the JAX-WS Web services.


Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts

Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts.


Xml to java compiler

Produces a set of packages containing Java source files and also files, depending on the binding options you used for compilation.

Important note
  • Specify the value which can be specified by each command as the argument of a command. Operation is not guaranteed when other values are specified.

  • Even if a command is executed normally, errors may have occurred. Check the message log and stack trace log.