
Hitachi Application Server V10 GUI Reference Guide(For UNIX® Systems)

5.51 Transaction Service pane

Use the Transaction Service pane to view and edit the transaction service time-out setting of the selected Java EE configuration.

Pane components


List of pane items

The Transaction Service pane displays the following Transaction Service item:

Transaction Time-out spin box

Displays the transaction time-out in seconds. The transaction time-out is used to roll back the transaction if no response is obtained within the specified time-out duration. If you specify the transaction time-out value as 0, the time-out setting is disabled. By default, this spin box displays the value that has already been specified for the selected Java EE configuration.

  • Minimum value: 0
  • Maximum value: 2147483647

The Transaction Service pane displays the following action item:

Apply button

To confirm and apply the transaction time-out value (specified in the Transaction Time-out spin box) on the Java EE configuration, click the Apply button to display the Apply Changes dialog box, and then click the OK button.