
Hitachi Application Server V10 User's Guide (For UNIX® Systems)

4.7.2 Installing the JDBC driver for Application Server

To install the JDBC driver for Application Server, copy the .jar file of the JDBC driver (provided by the database vendor) to the Application Server directory. In order to enable the JDBC driver for Application Server, restart the domain administration server (DAS) by using the restart-domain subcommand of the asadmin utility command, and Application Server by using the stop-servers and start-servers subcommands.


Intended users


  1. Copy the .jar file of the JDBC driver to the Application Server directory.

    Use the .jar file (of the JDBC driver) that is provided by the database vendor. Copy the file to installation_directory_for_Application_Server/javaee/glassfish/domains/domain_name/lib.

  2. To restart the DAS, run the restart-domain subcommand of the asadmin utility command.

    asadmin restart-domain

    When this command is run, the result is displayed as follows:

    Command restart-domain executed successfully.
  3. To stop Application Server run the stop-servers subcommand of the asadmin utility command.

    asadmin stop-servers

    When this command is run, the result is displayed as follows:

    Command stop-servers executed successfully.
  4. To start Application Server run the start-servers subcommand of the asadmin utility command.

    asadmin start-servers

    When this command is run, the result is displayed as follows:

    Command start-servers executed successfully.
