
Hitachi Application Server V10 User's Guide (For Windows® Systems)

10.3.3 Trace collection points of the EJB container

The following explains the details of the trace collection points of the EJB container.

For Session Bean and Entity Bean (local call)

The following shows the trace collection points for Session Bean and Entity Bean (local call).

Figure 10‒3: Collection points for Session Bean and Entity Bean (local call)


Reference note

This figure shows the workflow for collecting traces as an extension of a request. This figure does not show all the triggers to collect traces. Other triggers for collecting traces exist.

The following table lists event IDs, trace levels, trace collection points, and information that can be collected.

Table 10‒5: Details on the trace collection points

Event ID

Number in the figure

PRF trace collection level

Trace collection point

Information that can be collected

Interface name

Operation name




Standard level

Immediately before the EJB container calls an EJB business method

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)




Standard level

Immediately after calling an EJB business method

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)

In a normal state


In an abnormal state

Exception name#


If the exception collected at a trace collection point is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, the name of exception retained by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException is output.

For Message Driven Bean

The following shows the trace collection points of Message Driven Bean.

Figure 10‒4: Trace collection points of Message Driven Bean


Reference note

This figure shows the workflow for collecting traces as an extension of a request. This figure does not show all the triggers to collect traces. Other triggers for collecting traces exist.

The following table lists event IDs, trace levels, trace collection points, and information that can be collected.

Table 10‒6: Details on the trace collection points of Message Driven Bean

Event ID

Number in the figure

PRF trace collection level

Trace collection point

Information that can be collected

Interface name

Operation name




Standard level

Immediately before calling a message listener of Message Driven Bean

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)




Standard level

Immediately after calling a message listener of Message Driven Bean

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)

In a normal state


In an abnormal state

Exception name#


If the exception collected at a trace collection point is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, the name of exception retained by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException is output.

For Timer Service

The following shows the trace collection points of Timer Service.

Figure 10‒5: Trace collection points of Timer Service


Reference note

This figure shows the workflow for collecting traces as an extension of a request. This figure does not show all the triggers to collect traces. Other triggers for collecting traces exist.

The following table lists event IDs, trace levels, trace collection points, and information that can be collected.

Table 10‒7: Details on the trace collection points of Timer Service

Event ID

Number in the figure

PRF trace collection level

Trace collection point

Information that can be collected

Interface name

Operation name




Standard level

Immediately before calling a callback method of the EJB timer service

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)




Standard level

Immediately after calling a callback method of the EJB timer service

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)

In a normal state


In an abnormal state

Exception name#


If the exception collected at a trace collection point is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, the name of exception retained by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException is output.

For Session Bean and Entity Bean (remote call)

The following shows the trace collection points for Session Bean and Entity Bean (remote call).

Figure 10‒6: Collection points for Session Bean and Entity Bean (remote call)


Reference note

This figure shows the workflow for collecting traces as an extension of a request. This figure does not show all the triggers to collect traces. Other triggers for collecting traces exist.

The following table lists event IDs, trace levels, trace collection points, and information that can be collected.

Table 10‒8: Details on the collection points for Session Bean and Entity Bean (remote call)

Event ID

Number in the figure

PRF trace collection level

Trace collection point

Information that can be collected

Interface name

Operation name




Standard level

Immediately before the EJB container calls an EJB business method

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)




Standard level

Immediately after calling an EJB business method

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)

In a normal state


In an abnormal state

Exception name#



Standard level

Before sending an RMI/IIOP request

Operation name of RMI/IIOP

Operation name of RMI/IIOP




Standard level

After receiving an RMI/IIOP response

Interface name of RMI/IIOP

Operation name of RMI/IIOP




Standard level

After receiving an RMI/IIOP request

Interface name of RMI/IIOP

Operation name of RMI/IIOP




Standard level

Before sending an RMI/IIOP response

Interface name of RMI/IIOP

Operation name of RMI/IIOP



If the exception collected at a trace collection point is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, the name of exception retained by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException is output.

For an asynchronous EJB call

The following shows the trace collection points of an asynchronous EJB call.

Figure 10‒7: Trace collection points of an asynchronous EJB call


Reference note

This figure shows the workflow for collecting traces as an extension of a request. This figure does not show all the triggers to collect traces. Other triggers for collecting traces exist.

The following table lists event IDs, trace levels, trace collection points, and information that can be collected.

Table 10‒9: Details on the trace collection points of an asynchronous EJB call

Event ID

Number in the figure

PRF trace collection level

Trace collection point

Information that can be collected

Interface name

Operation name




Standard level

Immediately before an asynchronous EJB task calls an asynchronous EJB business method

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)




Standard level

Immediately after calling an asynchronous EJB business method

Implementation class name of EJB

Method name (number of parameters)

In a normal state


In an abnormal state

Exception name#


If the exception collected at a trace collection point is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, the name of exception retained by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException is output.