
Hitachi Application Server V10 User's Guide (For Windows® Systems)

6.2.1 Setting up reverse proxies

To improve security, set up the web server as a reverse proxy by specifying the parameters related to reverse proxies in the httpsd.conf and reverse_proxy.conf files.


Intended users


  1. Install Application Server on the host to be used as a reverse proxy.

  2. Specify the parameters related to reverse proxies in the httpsd.conf and reverse_proxy.conf files.

    • httpsd.conf file definition example:

      Include "installation_directory_for_Application_Server/httpsd/conf/reverse_proxy.conf"

    • reverse_proxy.conf file definition example:

      LoadModule proxy_module modules/

      LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

      ProxyPass path_name back_end_server_URL key=value

      ProxyPassReverse path_name URL

      HWSProxyPassReverseCookie path_name