Borland(R) Enterprise Server VisiBroker(R) デベロッパーズガイド


6.3.3 サーバントメソッドのインプリメント


コードサンプル6-7 Bank.idlに記述されるインタフェース
module Bank{
   interface Account {
         float balance();
   interface AccountManager {
         Account open (in string name);


コードサンプル6-8 AccountManagerImplコード(C++)
class AccountManagerImpl : public POA_Bank::AccountManager {
      Dictionary _accounts;
      virtual Bank::Account_ptr open(const char* name) {
         // Lookup the account in the account dictionary.
         Bank::Account_ptr account = 
               (Bank::Account_ptr) _accounts.get(name);
         if(account == Bank::Account::_nil()) {
            // Make up the account's balance, between 0 and 
            // 1000 dollars.
         float balance = abs(rand()) % 100000 / 100.0;
         // Create the account implementation, given 
         // the balance.
         AccountImpl *accountServant = 
               new AccountImpl(balance);
         try {
             // Activate it on the default POA which is root 
             // POA for this servant
             PortableServer::POA_var rootPOA = _default_POA();
             CORBA::Object_var obj = 
             account = Bank::Account::_narrow(obj);
         } catch(const CORBA::Exception& e) {
             cerr << "_narrow caught exception: " << e << endl;
         // Print out the new account.
         cout << "Created " << name << "'s account: " << 
               account << endl;
         // Save the account in the account dictionary.
         _accounts.put(name, account);
      // Return the account.
      return Bank::Account::_duplicate(account);


コードサンプル6-9 AccountManagerImplコード(Java)
import org.omg.PortableServer.*;
import java.util.*;
public class AccountManagerImpl extends
                                    Bank.AccountManagerPOA {
   public synchronized Bank.Account open(String name){
     // Lookup the account in the account dictionary.
     Bank.Account account =
                          (Bank.Account) _accounts.get(name);
     // If there was no account in the dictionary, create one.
     if(account == null){
        // Make up the account's balance,
        // between 0 and 1000 dollars.
        float balance = 
                Math.abs(_random.nextInt()) % 100000 / 100f;
        // Create the account implementation, given
        // the balance.
        AccountImpl accountServant =
                                   new AccountImpl(balance);
        try {
          // Activate it on the default POA
          // which is rootPOA for this servant
          account =
        }catch (Exception e){
        // Print out the new account.
               "Created " + name + "'s account: " + account);
        // Save the account in the account dictionary.
        _accounts.put(name, account);
     // Return the account.
     return account;
   private Dictionary _accounts =  new Hashtable();
   private Random _random =  new Random();


コードサンプル6-10 サーバントの作成と活性化(C++)
// Create the servant
AccountManagerImpl managerServant;
// Decide on the ID for the servant
PortableServer::ObjectId_var managerId = 
// Activate the servant with the ID on myPOA

コードサンプル6-11 サーバントの作成と活性化(Java)
// Create the servant
AccountManagerImpl managerServant =
                                   new AccountManagerImpl();
// Decide on the ID for the servant
byte[ ] managerId = "BankManager".getBytes();
// Activate the servant with the ID on myPOA
myPOA.activate_object_with_id(managerId, managerServant);